Functional Requirements Document - Jportillo1/wtp GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Priority Comment
1 A user should be able to Register High None
2 A user should be able to update personal info Low None
3 A user should be able to choose activity High Desired Activities
4 A user should be able to choose ranges for weather variables for activity High Which variables apply for specific activity , Extends for #8
5 A user should be able to edit activities High Adjust activity variables, Include for #3
6 A user should be able to delete activities High Include for #3
7 A user should be able to add, & duplicate activities High duplicate and edit current chosen activity variables instead of starting from default, Include for #3
8 A user should be able to pick which variables apply to each activity High Include for #3
9 A user should be able to choose his location High choose current or another location , Extends for #8
10 A user should be able to turn on and off reminders Med on, off, snooze
11 A user should be able to share and sync activities with other users Med share activity variables with hyperlink
12 A user should be able to turn on and off new suggested activities Low None
13 A user should be able to update app Low None
14 A user should be able to see Tutorial High TIPS of how to adjust the weather variables
15 A user should be able to snooze new suggested activities Med Extends for #12
16 A user should be able to Sign In Medium None
17 A user should be able to Sign Out Medium None