Functional Requirements Document - Jportillo1/grocery GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Priority Comment
1 A user should be able to shop for groceries High None
2 A user should be able to checkout groceries with cashier High None
3 A user should be able to redeem coupons with cashier Low None
4 A user should be able to complain to manager Med None
5 A user should be able to search for groceries High Include for #1
6 A user should be able to sign in to profile High None
7 A user should be able to go to cart High None
8 A user should be able to track orders Low None
9 A user should be able to choose local store High Local or store nearby
10 A user should be able to shop by category High Include for #1
11 A user should be able to shop items on sale Low Shop Discounted Items, Include for #1
12 A user should be able to compare items side by side Low Display both item Details
13 A user should be able to see the grocery store company details Low About Company
14 A user should be able to apply for jobs Low None
15 A user should be able to get customer service Med Link for Help with app
16 A user should be able to return items High None
17 A user should be able to see the display item pictures and details High Display item pictures and item details, Include for #1
18 A user should be able to rate the items bought Low how many stars , would recommend?
19 A user should be able to see the prices of items High Extend for #17
20 A user should be able to sort the results by price Med Sort by Price ascending, descending
21 A user should be able to update app Low None
22 A user should be able to enter their info High Include for #6
23 A user should be able to update credit card info High Extend for #25
24 A user should be able to add and delete credit cards High Extends for #25
25 A user should be able to choose which credit card High None
26 A user should be able to Add/Delete from Cart High Include for #7
27 A user should be able to check Shopping List Med Include for #1
28 A user should be able to check Mental List Med Include for #27
29 A user should be able to find Items High Include for #1
30 A user should be able to Check Off Shopping List Med Include for #1
31 A user should be able to Check-Off Mental List Med Extends for #30
32 Cashier should be able to Bag groceries Low None
33 A user should be able to print a receipt for User Med None
34 A user should be able to Verify Minor Shopper Age High Verify age for Alcohol and tobacco sales
35 A user should be able to Pay High None
36 A user should be able to Pay Cash High Extends for #35
37 A user should be able to Pay Credit High Extends for #35
38 A user should be able to Pay Debit High Extends for #35
39 A user should be able to sign out of profile High None
40 A user should be able to register for profile High None
41 A user should be able to put Item in Cart High Include for #1