AuthMe Reloaded - JozsoPapa/MineServ GitHub Wiki
Development build:
The following are the permission nodes that are currently supported by the latest dev builds.
- authme.admin.* – Give access to all admin commands.
- authme.admin.accounts – Administrator command to see all accounts associated with a user.
- authme.admin.changemail – Administrator command to set or change the email address of a user.
- authme.admin.changepassword – Administrator command to change the password of a user.
- authme.admin.converter – Administrator command to convert old or other data to AuthMe data.
- authme.admin.firstspawn – Administrator command to teleport to the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.forcelogin – Administrator command to force-login an existing user.
- authme.admin.getemail – Administrator command to get the email address of a user, if set.
- authme.admin.getip – Administrator command to get the last known IP of a user.
- authme.admin.lastlogin – Administrator command to see the last login date and time of a user.
- authme.admin.purge – Administrator command to purge old user data.
- authme.admin.purgebannedplayers – Administrator command to purge all data associated with banned players.
- authme.admin.purgelastpos – Administrator command to purge the last position of a user.
- authme.admin.register – Administrator command to register a new user.
- authme.admin.reload – Administrator command to reload the plugin configuration.
- authme.admin.seeotheraccounts – Permission to see the other accounts of the players that log in.
- authme.admin.setfirstspawn – Administrator command to set the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.setspawn – Administrator command to set the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.spawn – Administrator command to teleport to the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.switchantibot – Administrator command to toggle the AntiBot protection status.
- authme.admin.unregister – Administrator command to unregister an existing user.
- authme.allowmultipleaccounts – Permission to be able to register multiple accounts.
- authme.bypassantibot – Permission node to bypass AntiBot protection.
- authme.bypassforcesurvival – Permission for users to bypass force-survival mode.
- authme.bypasspurge – Permission to bypass the purging process
- authme.player.* – Permission to use all player (non-admin) commands.
- authme.player.canbeforced – Permission for users a login can be forced to.
- authme.player.captcha – Command permission to use captcha.
- authme.player.changepassword – Command permission to change the password.
- – Command permission to add an email address.
- – Command permission to change the email address.
- – Command permission to recover an account using it's email address.
- authme.player.login – Command permission to login.
- authme.player.logout – Command permission to logout.
- authme.player.register – Command permission to register.
- authme.player.seeownaccounts – Permission to use to see own other accounts.
- authme.player.unregister – Command permission to unregister.
- – Permission node to identify VIP users.
You can use the following commands to use the features of AuthMe. Mandatory arguments are marked with < >
brackets; optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets ([ ]
- /authme: The main AuthMeReloaded command. The root for all admin commands.
/authme register <player> <password>: Register the specified player with the specified password.
/authme unregister <player>: Unregister the specified player.
/authme forcelogin [player]: Enforce the specified player to login.
/authme password <player> <pwd>: Change the password of a player.
/authme lastlogin [player]: View the date of the specified players last login.
/authme accounts [player]: Display all accounts of a player by his player name or IP.
/authme email [player]: Display the email address of the specified player if set.
/authme setemail <player> <email>: Change the email address of the specified player.
/authme getip <player>: Get the IP address of the specified online player.
/authme spawn: Teleport to the spawn.
/authme setspawn: Change the player's spawn to your current position.
/authme firstspawn: Teleport to the first spawn.
/authme setfirstspawn: Change the first player's spawn to your current position.
/authme purge <days>: Purge old AuthMeReloaded data longer than the specified amount of days ago.
/authme resetpos <player/*>: Purge the last know position of the specified player or all of them.
/authme purgebannedplayers: Purge all AuthMeReloaded data for banned players.
/authme switchantibot [mode]: Switch or toggle the AntiBot mode to the specified state.
/authme reload: Reload the AuthMeReloaded plugin.
- /authme version: Show detailed information about the installed AuthMeReloaded version, the developers, contributors, and license.
/authme converter <job>: Converter command for AuthMeReloaded.
- /authme help [query]: View detailed help for /authme commands.
/login <password>: Command to log in using AuthMeReloaded.
- /login help [query]: View detailed help for /login commands.
/logout: Command to logout using AuthMeReloaded.
- /logout help [query]: View detailed help for /logout commands.
/register [password] [verifyPassword]: Command to register using AuthMeReloaded.
- /register help [query]: View detailed help for /register commands.
/unregister <password>: Command to unregister using AuthMeReloaded.
- /unregister help [query]: View detailed help for /unregister commands.
/changepassword <oldPassword> <newPassword>: Command to change your password using AuthMeReloaded.
- /changepassword help [query]: View detailed help for /changepassword commands.
- /email: The AuthMeReloaded Email command base.
/email add <email> <verifyEmail>: Add a new email address to your account.
/email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>: Change an email address of your account.
/email recover <email>: Recover your account using an Email address by sending a mail containing a new password.
- /email help [query]: View detailed help for /email commands.
/captcha <captcha>: Captcha command for AuthMeReloaded.
- /captcha help [query]: View detailed help for /captcha commands.
#Put your EMAIL's informations here :
# Email SMTP server host
# Email SMTP server port
mailPort: 465
# Email account that send the mail
mailAccount: ''
# Email account password
mailPassword: ''
# Custom SenderName, that replace the mailAccount name in the email
mailSenderName: ''
# Random password length
RecoveryPasswordLength: 8
# Email subject of password get
mailSubject: 'Your new AuthMe Password'
# Like maxRegPerIp but with email
maxRegPerEmail: 1
# Recall players to add an email?
recallPlayers: false
# Delay in minute for the recall scheduler
delayRecall: 5
# Blacklist these domains for emails
# WhiteList only these domains for emails
emailWhitelisted: []
# Do we need to send new password draw in an image?
generateImage: false
# The email OAuth 2 token (leave empty if not used)
emailOauth2Token: ''
If you want to customize the recovery email content:
That's all !
Your player can now use the command:
```/email recovery ```
Or add an email with:
```/email add ```