quick setup - JotaroS/OpenVR-MotionCompensation GitHub Wiki


build setup

  1. you need to install Boost: follow original wiki on the top. This takes a lot of time: so do below as it's installing.
  2. also need to install nlohman json, put that in third-party folder.
  3. open main .sln file, and build project lib_vrmotioncompensation. This should be done only once.
  • you need to setup include directories to boost / openvr / nlohman-json, link library for boost.
  1. In Linker option of driver_vrmotioncompensation property, go to "Commandline" option and add additional option "/DYNAMICBASE "xinput.lib". This will include xbox controller commands.
  2. build driver_vrmotioncompensation with Release x64 target. (ignore client_overlay)
  • you need to setup include directories to boost / openvr and link library for boost and above lib_vrmotioncompensation.lib file.
  1. driver_vrmotioncompensation folder is the driver you want to install.

installing driver

  1. drag driver_vrmotioncompensation into SteamVR driver directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers)
  2. rename x64 inside your_driver/bin/ into win64 (so steamvr can find it)
  3. Run SteamVR with HMD connected.
  4. When successful, the .log file will be exported in your_driver/bin/ folder.


  • steamVR side of log will be on C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\vrserver.txt (you will know if driver is loaded or not)
  • OVR-MC log will be your_driver/bin/blablabla.log