Design Document - JosoIce/Group7Battleship GitHub Wiki
Battleship Project Design
Team Members:
Chee Yao, 101977163 Josiah Sonsie, 101094376 Rory Free, 102119869
Basic Gameplay
Battleship is a guessing game for two players. It is played on a grid, on which players place their fleet of “ships”, which are hidden to the opposing player, on their side of the board. After the players have placed all of their ships, each player takes turns selecting a square in the grid to “shoot”. If a part of a ship is on that square it takes a hit. When all the squares a ship is on are hit, the ship is destroyed. This continues until one player destroys all the opposing players' ships first.
Game screens and workflow
Upon launching the game, the user will be greeted with the following splash screen.
Intro screen
Main menu
User Interface
Intro / Splash screen
The intro screen will be simple, it will prompt the user to press the start button to get the game loaded into the main menu. The game will enter into the main menu when the player clicks on any button.
Main Menu
1. New game
The game will start, creating a new fresh new game file for the player. The player will now start playing the game fresh from start.
2. Load game
The game will load from last saved checkpoint. The player will continue from middle of the battle, starting from where they last left off.
3. Settings
In here, players will be able to customize the game to their preference. There will be multiple customization options such as sounds, controls, difficulty and much more.
4. Exit
The game will exit when the user clicks on this button.
The game are based on players clicking with their mouse button only. The player's ships are indicated with light blue squares allocated in the boxes. When the opponent hits a square on their side, it will display it as a red filled square on the player's side as well.
The gameplay can be divided into two phases – initially, each player is displayed a clear screen of tiles, in which they must place their ships. The player has access to multiple ships of 1, 2, and 3 tiles in length. These ships can be rotated and cannot be placed in such a way that they overlap each other.
After this phase is complete and the players have placed all their ships, the game “begins”. In this phase, the players can take turns taking “shots” at their opponent’s tiles. If these shots coincide with the locations of the opposing player’s ships, then the player that took the shot is made aware that this shot “hit”, and an explosion marker is placed on the ship. If the player hits all of a given ship’s tiles, this player is notified, and the ship is marked as “sunk”. When all ships on one side of the board have sunk, that player loses.
- Explosion sound on target hit
- Game logo
- Sprites:
- Ship, top down:
- Large (3 squares)
- Medium (2 squares)
- Small (1 square)
- Explosion
- Water tile