Todo notes - Joshj23icy/sauce-bot GitHub Wiki

Name change for v2; split into full bot. ^^ repo already made; when sauce is "done" move to new bot

Fix R Async func instead of calling API each time R changes -> g P cycler inac period -> act = extend ^ collec period -> more reasonable dur Fix sauce cmd; write wrapper if needed should be functional to a degree; run for a while and refine - still needs spaghetti cleanup Per server BL -> also per sever reset bl owner only bl permission only ^^ continuation Look into faster reaction adding Fix messy stringify chains -> map Per server bl-> guild id+ items -> auto add guild id when doing BL -> same with r Pls -> pull from discord message too

Revamp Clean up index Cmd count -> info Sys usage from info -> hw/sys maybe Cmd name in footer Revamp help/~~BL(embeds)~~partial Winston logging single embed function instead of multiple

Todo - lower pr Disable commands Wrong channel -> nothing or msg !! Bot controls -> reboot prefix etc Proper permissions -> BL(bl partial - owner only) etc

Modules enable/disable

  • Sauce
  • Moderation
  • Music
  • Etc Gitbook docs -> gh sauce help Curr page from footer -> main body(pages -> curr page)