Example SLURM Scripts - JoshLoecker/MAPT GitHub Wiki

More defined SLURM scripts

  1. Simple SLURM Job
  2. Activating Conda in SLURM
  3. Starting Snakemake in SLURM

This section is to be a base for example SLURM scripts. The basis for a SLURM script is as follows #SBATCH defines parameters to be used with SLURM. For additional options, see this guide

#SBATCH --job-name="JOB_NAME"
#SBATCH -t hh:mm:ss
#SBATCH	--open-mode "append"
#SBATCH --mail-user=USER_EMAIL

# Your code here

SLURM Commands

The following commands can be used on SciNet to view various kinds of information (Online Source)

Command Description
sacct Accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database
sacctmgr Used to view and modify Slurm account information.
salloc Obtain a Slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished.
sattach Attach to a Slurm job step.
sbatch Submit a batch script to Slurm.
sbcast Transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a Slurm job.
scancel Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.
scontrol Used view and modify Slurm configuration and state.
sdiag Scheduling diagnostic tool.
sinfo View information about Slurm nodes and partitions.
slurm Slurm system overview.
sprio view the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority
sh5util merge utility for acct_gather_profile plugin.
squeue view information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue.
sreport Generate reports from the slurm accounting data.
srun Run parallel jobs
sshare Tool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster.
sstat Display various status information of a running job/step.
strigger Used set, get or clear Slurm trigger information.
sview graphical user interface to view and modif. Slurm state.

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