Installation - JosephEoff/EyeGore GitHub Wiki

There is a binary release of the EyeGore software available. Download the EyeGore.exe file for Windows, the EyeGore file for Linux, and the file for MacOS.

You may alternatively install EyeGore by hand. The following instructions should work on any computer (Windows, Linux, MacOS.)

Required software:

  1. Python 3.6 or higher
  2. PySerial
  3. PyQt5
  4. Qt5
  5. OpenCV 2


There are various ways to install the required dependencies. This description will use what I think is the simplest way. If this description doesn't work for you, open an issue on the EyeGore Github page.

  1. Install Python 3.6 or higher.
  • Download the current version of Python for your operating system.
  • Follow the instructions from for your operating system to complete the installation.
  • Linux users can often install Python through the package manager. It is recommended to use the Python package from your Linux distribution rather than installing a package from
  1. Install the required Python libraries The required packages can be installed with the Python "pip" package manager. Pip will install the Python libraries and any required binary packages for your operating system. Refer to the pip tutorial for guidance on using pip. I recommend installing the packages using an administrator account on your computer.

Ideally, once Python is installed, you simply open a terminal window (also called a "command box" under Windows) and type in the commands given below. If the pip commands don't work properly, refer to the tutorial to troubleshoot your setup.

pip install PyQt5

Installing PyQt5 will also install Qt5.

pip install pyserial

pip install opencv-python

  1. Install the EyeGore webcam software

There is no real installation needed. Just download and unpack the files, then start the file with Python.

  • Download the zip file from the EyeGore Github page.
  • Unzip the file to some place convenient.
  • Open a terminal window (command box) and change to the unzipped EyeGore folder, then use the following command to start the program:


There are some variations:

  • Python3 on a Linux or Mac with Python2 also installed:


  • Windows:
