Camera - JosephEoff/EyeGore GitHub Wiki

EyeGore was written to be used to make pictures of things as I am working on them.

The camera I use is a Logitech C270 that I removed from its housing. This blog post I wrote about my D43 oscilloscope camera shows how to disassemble the C270.

I sealed the camera in heat shrink tubing, then mounted it to an old pair of eyeglasses. I removed the lens from the frame, then taped the C270 across the left eye opening. It is positioned so that the camera is just below the pupil of my left eye - I can see over the camera, and the camera sees almost exactly what I see.

The software should work with just about any standard webcam - or with "video microscopes" that use a camera connected to a PC via USB. The video microscopes are nothing more than fancy webcams, and should follow the webcam standards well enough.

Cameras I have tested that are known to work:

Camera Linux Windows
Logitech C270 Yes Yes
Logitech C170 Yes Yes