Build\Debug - JosefRDA/EmptyEpsilon GitHub Wiki

Debug builds add additional features for measuring performance and diagnosing problems in EmptyEpsilon. It adds:

  • two buttons to the main screen, one that launches a test scenario in GM mode, and one that tests loading and rendering every 3D model
  • a FPS counter and network throughput display
  • a Models (Debug) tab in the Science database, which lists every loaded model and provides a 3/4 screen rotating view of it
  • a top-down view on the Main Screen, toggled by pressing and holding the Z key
  • physics collider boxes/circles drawn on 3D views as white outlines
  • a counter of the number of active objects in the command line output, to try to spot things like memory leaks

On Windows, debug builds log only to the console window, not to disk.

To enable debug features, you must compile EmptyEpsilon with a -DDEBUG definition defined. See Build for instructions using CMake.