Examples - JoseAndresMR/ros_magna GitHub Wiki
Worlds and Missions examples
For every example, the following steps must be accomplished:
Open /magna/Code/Scripts/Manager.py
Change some values of hyperparameters dictionary at the top of the script.
Execute next lines in two different terminals:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/magna
Terminal 1:
$ roslaunch magna Master_spawner.launch
Terminal 2:
$ rosrun smach_viewer smach_viewer.py
Example 1:
Simulation of 2 PX4 Iris. UAS 1 Follows a path, UAS 2 follows UAS 1 at different relative positions.
Key | Value |
'world' | 'Delivery' |
'subworld' | 'Delivery' |
'mission' | 'Delivery' |
'submission' | '2UAVs_follow_ap_safe' |
'n_uav' | 2 |
Example 2:
Simulation of 3 PX4 Typhoon. Every UAS takes off, lifts to a security height, moves to a different panel area, performs a zigzag and comes back to home to land.
Key | Value |
'world' | 'SolarPlant' |
'subworld' | 'Canamero3Scaled008' |
'mission' | 'SolarPlant' |
'submission' | '3UAVs_inspection_safe' |
'n_uav' | 3 |