Custom dance floor - Joschma/-YMA-BlockParty GitHub Wiki

Important information

The custom dance floor those not work with the 3D dance floor, because if the terrain evolve player can find them self stuck in blocks
After you created the custom dance floor you can delete them from your minecraft world they are saved in files
You can add as many as you want custom dance floors

Add custom dance floor


customdancefloor (1)

Step by step

  1. Create the custom dance floor
    1. To create the custom dance floor you need to first execute the commmand /bp customDanceFloor create <NameOfTheDanceFloor>
    2. Then you have to select the zone that will make your custom dance floor with the given stick.
  2. Add the custom dance floor to the arena
    1. Through the GUI Open the arena GUI and click on the blaze rod. Then type the name of the custom dance floor in your chat (if you don't remember it all custom dance floor will be shown to you)
    2. With commands Simply execute the command /bp <arena> customDanceFloor add <theNameOfTheCustomDanceFloor>

Remove custom dance floor

  1. Through the GUI Open the arena GUI and click on the blazer powder. Then type the name of the custom dance floor in your chat (if you don't remember it all custom dance floor will be shown to you)
  2. With commands Simply execute the command /bp <arena> customDanceFloor remove <theNameOfTheCustomDanceFloor>

Create custom dance floor

  1. To create the custom dance floor you need to first execute the commmand /bp customDanceFloor create <NameOfTheDanceFloor>
  2. Then you have to select the zone that will make your custom dance floor with the given stick.

Delete custom dance floor

Simply execute the command /bp customDanceFloor delete <theNameOfTheCustomDanceFloor>

Win and Wait dance floor

  1. A wait dance floor is a dance floor that will be generated when player will wait in the lobby room. And win is when player win.
  2. If you want to add one of these dance floor you have to go in the config file of the arena and go to the section Cuboid then add a name of an already existing custom dance floor!
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