Configs - Joschma/-YMA-BlockParty GitHub Wiki

Arena config:

After you have done all the changes you should do /blockparty reload
Duration: The time the power up will last
RangeToCatch: The distance needed to catch the power up
LevelOf: The level of the potion effect that will be given
Name: The name that people will see above power ups
Head: The block that people will see as the power up
PowerUps: The list of all the power up (you can remove some)
Finished: Is the party ready to be played
-RANDOM --> players will not be able to chose the song.
-CHOOSE --> players can chose what song will be played
ChangeTime: Only in the waiting room the time of the day is going to change depending on the wait lobby timer
SaveInventory: Should the plugin save the inventory of the player and give it back at the end of the game
ClearInventory: If false players can keep their stuff in game
GiveSlimeBall: Should the plugin give the item to leave the game
HandleExp: Should the plugin save the exp of the player and give it back at the end of the game
GiveDye: Should the plugin give the item to hide other player
SongProvider: The plugin that will play the songs
GiveBlock: Should the plugin give the block that need to be stand on
AllowPVP: Can player attack other player
AutoRestart: Should the game start again after the end of it
EnableLightnings: Should the plugin shoot lightnings on the player death location
EnablePowerUps: Should all power ups be active
EnableFireworksOnWin: Should the plugin shoot fire works at the end of the game
AllowJoinDuringGame: Can people join the game as spectator
EnableScoreboard: Should the player have the scoreboard
OnlyCustomFloors: Play only with custom floors
RandomizeCustomFloor: Should the plugin swap the same colours for another one with custom floors
UseColourPalette: Should the plugin use only the colours in the colour palette
IsNoTitleBar: Disable the bar above the health
ShowColorNameInBarTitle: Should the name of the colour be displayed on the bar above the health
SmartRandomJoin: This will help to fill lobbies quicker
MaxMillisSecondPerTickToGenerateArenaDanceFloor: This should be dealt with caution: the time (in milli seconds) in which the plugin will place blocks ever tick. The greater the surface of your dance floor the bigger this number has to be. The max is 50
Collision: Should player collide
MaxPlayer: What is the maximum of player in this arena
MinPlayer: What is the number of player necessary to start the lobby count down
LobbyCountDown: The length of the lobby count down until the game starts
TimeOnStageAfterWin: The time that winners stay on the dance floor
RegenerateBlockTime: The time that player have to stop dancing
WaitTimeBeforeGiveColorFirstRound: The time (only for the first round) that people have to wait to get the block they need to go on
WaitTimeBeforeGiveColor: For all the other round the time that people get to rest from the last time they stopped dancing
TimeReductionPerChosenLevel: The time that will be subtracted to each round (so that the time players have to go to the block is smaller)
InitialTimeToSearch: The time for the first round that people have to go on the block they have to
RoundToSpawnPowerUp: The rounds in which power ups will spawn
RoundToReduceTime: The round where the TimeReductionPerChosenLevel is going to be applied
CommandsOnGameEnd: All the command that will be executed at the end of each game
GameModeOnDeath: The game mode in which all spectator will be put
MaxNumberOfRound: The maximum number of round before all the remaining player will win
DanceFloorFloorMaterials: The list of all the blocks that could be in the dance floor
UseSameColourGroup: If true, all block of same colour will stay (for example if the block chosen is blue all blue block will stay)
-Use: Should particles spawn
-Count: the number of particle spawn per block
-Size: the size of each particle
Song Provider: The song provider is the plugin that will play the music for now there are only two : MCJukebox, NoteBlockAPI, OpenAudio
[Path/Link] ToMusic: Is the musics that are going to be played in the game. The music can be chosen by the player
[Path/Link] ToStopMusic: The music that will be played when the blocks disappear
------------Cuboid & Spawn-----------
WinDanceFloor: The custom dance floor that will will be loaded when player win WaitDanceFloor: The custom dance floor that will will be loaded when player are waiting for other players CustomDanceFloorName: All the custom dance floors that can be played in this party
AllowedCommands: All the allowed command in game for all player
ScoreBoard: The scoreboard that every one can see on their right
Signs: All the signs that lead to this party SignDisplay: What will be seen on signs for this arena

General config:

Prefix: The text that will be displayed at the begging of each message for this plugin
Aliases: The command that you can use for accessing the plugin

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️