Project Journal - Jonsiz/Skymaze GitHub Wiki

Journal Entry One - 4/21/20 - 4:30pm

The level, still unnamed as of me writing this, is designed as a sort of maze/gauntlet. The player starts in front of stairs leading slightly upwards. There sits a massive door in the center blocked by the need for a gold key, and two smaller doors to the left or right. The one on the left is blocked off, requiring a silver key. So the only door left is the one on the right, which is unlocked. This leads down an odd looking corridor and opens up into a circular room. In the room is a platform that goes up. As it does, the player will have to fend off flying enemies that spawn. Here the player can reach the second floor, and be greeted by a resupply. Exploring they may find various different hallways filled with enemies and weapons, and even a secret that leads to the grenade launcher. Eventually they will make their way into a teleporter that again hands them a gauntlet to fight. Once everything clears out, they will be presented the silver key, and the door to the golden key will unlock. Once they make their way over to the golden key, the gate blocking the stairs back down will drop and the player is free to leave the level.

Journal Entry Two - 4/28/20 - 12:30pm

The level is now named Skymaze. It's been a challenge to build. Especially given the timespan to work on it, however I feel pretty confident in it. On my playthroughs the level takes on average two minutes on a run where you know where to go. I have decided to start it off with a little of what to expect. The player starts with a horde of soldiers attempting to gun them down. There's pillars to the left and right they can use as cover however. I go over more in my video.

Journal Entry Three - 5/7/20 - 10:41am

I had some feedback regarding the level, and some of my own personal issues with it, mostly I just wanted to pull out some of the tight corridors and make them a bit brighter. Otherwise everything seems to be on schedule. My main concern right now is getting ahead of the curve and focusing on texturing, which I believe may be a bit of challenge considering the time constraints. Otherwise, all is well.

Journal Entry Four - 5/12/20 - 01:00pm

Texturing is done and the video is out.

Opened up a few more hallways and changed the layout of the button in the boss room to prevent the player from opening the secret doors before fighting the boss, as you previously had an angle from the overlook where you could fire on the button and bypass the boss entirely via sequence breaking.