Troubleshooting (infolist function) - Jondoty/Johto GitHub Wiki
If you are unsure or are experiencing issues, one of the best ways to test for obvious issues is this command:
/function tools:infolist
This command checks against several conditions that may be affecting your gameplay experience.
Example of a valid infolist function
#1: Confirms your map version
If you were unsure or need to check against potential fixes, lists your map version.
#2: Validates spawn chunks
- Green (Valid): These 4 corners must be loaded for the map to fully function. These are spawn chunks the world keeps loaded at all times, and runs most functions of the map.
- Red (Invalid): These 4 corners must be loaded for the map to fully function. These are spawn chunks the world keeps loaded at all times, and runs most functions of the map. The command "/setworldspawn -780 64 -245" may help this issue
#3: Validates host's config files
- Green (Valid): Vanilla Minecraft villagers are used as traders for specific items in parts of the map. By default, Pixelmon turns these entities into other entity types. This also works to ensure the custom pixelmon.hocon is likely in use.
- Red (Invalid): Vanilla Minecraft villagers are used as traders for specific items in parts of the map. By default, Pixelmon turns these entities into trainers or chatting npcs. To fix, ensure you are using the custom "config" and "pixelmon" folders in your server folder or your .minecraft folder.
#4: Validates Pixelmon is running
- Green (Valid): This map requires Pixelmon Reforged, from Please ensure this is in your mods folder when you open the world. Entity type has been found.
- Red (Invalid): If entity is NOT found, this likely means Pixelmon is not installed in your mods folder or running. Pixelmon entities have been deleted and the world will need to be deleted or only your Johto/region folder must be deleted and re-added from a fresh copy after you troubleshoot why Pixelmon is not running. If you're hosting a server, ensure your Forge jar is running and not the vanilla minecraft.jar!
#5: Tests against player's Dialogue scores
- Green (Valid): Ensures the player is not currently in a map event or dialogue that may affect some functions such as portals or fly map functions. Green means no active story blocks (fly, portals) should occur based on an active dialogue.
- Red (Yellow): Means the player is in a dialogue with either a DialogueTrigger or TalkTime score. This is expected through most of the story/events but should not last forever.
- Red (Invalid): When a player first spawns in, many values are applied to your character that make the map function. These values weren't found. To fix, try returning to the very start with "/tp YourPlayerNameHere -780 64 -245
#6: Validates Command Blocks are turned on
- Green (Valid): Command blocks are able to run commands, allowing the map to function.
- Nothing (Invalid): If you are on multiplayer, ensure command blocks are turned on through your file (or use the one provided in the download!). Value should read