Meeting Minutes 23 04 19 - Jon-Lowe/Skyscii GitHub Wiki
Date/Location: 23-04-2019, Discord Attendees: James, Daniel, Terrence, Sarah, Jon Start Time: 14:10 End Time: 14:50
- Sarah and Daniel's structure combined
- Character system from Sarah's diagram
- Looping menu system from Daniel's diagram
- Impliment planned structure in stages
- Some Kanban systems
- Discuss usage of Kanban with Isuru
- Start sending HD project updates to agile coach
- Start building structure
- Create Skyscii Github
- Research Behavoural Development
[One story for each class] [First write behavoural tests for that class] [make empty classes with methods that return nothing to do this] [Write the minumum ammount of logic and] [code you need to make the tests pass]