Instruction for Install Application - Jomsaruj/DEK-COM GitHub Wiki


Name Required version(s)
Python 3.7 or higher
Django 3.1 or higher

Upgrade your Python pip to the latest version

First of all, please verify that your Python pip is already upgrade to the latest version. The commands to upgrade Python pip for Linux and MacOS usually are python3 and pip3, different from other operating system that are python and pip.

Perform this command to upgrade Python pip

  • Windows

	python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • Linux/MacOS

	python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install virtualenv

You can run Python apps in a virtual environment that contains a separate, stand-alone copy of Python and all the Python add-ons that the application requires. You can read more information about virtualenv at How to use virtualenv.

In order to create isolated lightweight Python environments, please install virtualenv by perform this command.

  • Windows

	python -m pip install virtualenv
  • Linux/MacOS

	python3 -m pip install virtualenv

Installation Steps

1. Clone DEK-COM repository to your local machine

There are 2 ways to download the code to your local machine. You can either download the code as a ZIP file or open the terminal and follow the command below.

Before perform commands below, please navigate to the directory that you want to store the code by using this command cd <your target directory>

	git clone

2. Navigate to the project directory

        cd DEK-COM

3. Create isolated lightweight Python environments

  • Windows

	virtualenv env
  • MacOs/Linux

	virtualenv venv

4. Activate virtualenv

  • Windows

  • Linux/MacOS

	source venv/bin/activate

5. Install all required software included in requirements.txt

	pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Renaming the configuration file

There are sample.env file that contain sample configuration for env variables. Rename sample.env to .env before running migrations.

  • Windows

	move sample.env .env
  • Linux/MacOS

	mv sample.env .env

7. Running migrations

  • Windows

	python migrate
  • Linux/MacOS

	python3 migrate

8. Import data from file users.json to initiate initial user accounts.

  • Windows

	python loaddata users.json
  • Linux/MacOS

	python3 loaddata users.json

9. Run the server

  • Windows

	python runserver
  • Linux/MacOS

	python3 runserver

10. Login to DEK-COM web application using demo account

Account Username Password
account 1 myusername mypassword
account 2 yourusername yourpassword

11. Deactivate virtualenv
