Assets - JohnVin/Battleship GitHub Wiki
- Assets
here is the list of assets are needed for this game:
- assetName: the name of the asset.
- filename: the filename in the directory.
- width/height: the builder can down sample large source images.
Type of images and their sounds: 1- Aricraft carrier: when the aircraft take off it has to sound like an aircraft taking off. 2- Battleship: when the game starts, it has a start sound. 3- Submarine: when submarine moves around it has a sound, when it attacks it has a diferent sound. 4- Destorier: when destorier take a place it has a sound. 5- Patrol boat:what boat is under attack and got crushed it will sound (crushing sound)
when target positioned and get "shot" (a shot sound will occur) and if it is a "miss", the player marks their grid and "miss" sounds will occur. The attacking player notes the hit or miss on their own "tracking" grid with the appropriate color peg (red for "hit", white for "miss").