Videographics - JohnTigue/idots GitHub Wiki
Videographics is simply a fancy word for video recording of someone talking over graphics, preferably with dynamic and interesting motion. A videographic can be as simple as a recorded screencast.
The Economist does a great job of this. Those "live charts," as they call them (e.g.), sure look like D3. I might be wrong but nonetheless the live charts could be implemented in D3 is the point. You can check out more of their work on The Economist's Videographics YouTube playlist.
To illustrate what tools like EbolaMapper enable please consider Hans Rosling's famous 2006 TED talk. Now check out a D3 visualization of the same data by Mike Bostock.
Shoot, here's the New York Times on Twitter doing a videographic of someone clicking on their excellent D3-based Ebola viz.
For discussing the ebola outbreak, EbolaMapper.html be useful. It has minimal trim. Fullscreen it and start recording your presentation. Of course, without jumping into the code the only control you have of what happens is through the UI. Not that controlling sequences with code is particularly hard with D3.
So, if Hans Rosling were to record a screencast of him talking while driving EbolaMapper, after someone watched the video they could then go explore the outbreak via EbolaMapper. This seems like a very engaging way to get people's attention on public health crises.
How to produce videographic screencasts
TBD issue #5
The section needs to have a brief write-up, mostly consisting of links to good tutorials on the Web. There should also be a demo or two i.e. links to videographics produced and uploaded to both YouTube and Vimeo.