To Do List - JohnTigue/idots GitHub Wiki

This is a high level summary of what needs to be done. For nitty-gritty details see the issues tracker.

If you want to jump in and help then these topics are sorted roughly with the lower intensity and possibly more entertaining tasks listed first.

Cataloging of outbreak visualizations found on the Web

If you find any interesting visualizations, a gallery is maintained. Please link to them at Gallery of Ebola Visualizations Found Across the Web. Also search Twitter for #outbreak_viz.

If you have any comments about this the issue is #4.

Indicator ontology

An effort is underway to define an Indicator Ontology so the machine readable encodings can be generated for terms such as the following: "all deaths in the last 7 days," or "cumulative suspected cases to date, in children." The Spec needs a vocabulary of domain objects, the domain being infectious disease monitoring.

Demo with Zika virus outbreak data

The Omolumeter is deployed with 2014 Ebola data. Another deploy with 2016 Zika data is needed.


Work with major news outlets, educating them to what is available.

We need to reach out to various news orgs and show them how easy it is to get an exciting ebola visualization widget on their site.

Help NGOs and philanthropics deploy Omolumeter as a widget

Work with an NGO to deploy a pre-build visualization with the help of the Deployment HOWTO.

Documentation needed

Documenting how to use such tools in preparation for whatever infectious disease outbreak next occurs (globally or locally) will be a main deliverable of this project. Provide introductory HOWTO instructions for various levels of technical expertise on how to deploy these tools during future outbreaks.

These items are roughly sorted such that first is end-user stuff, then deployer needs, then developer.

Cataloging of data sources

This is much less light fun but is arguably more important. This has proven to be a major time sink. It has also made very clear how important it is to not have this happen in the future. See Ebola Outbreak Data on the Web Overview for much more detail. That's the place to add anything found.