Other Coders - JohnTigue/idots GitHub Wiki
There are other software developers working in this space. This page lists, alphabetically, notable individuals and their ebola related work.
Table of Contents
Luis Capelo
Github: luiscape
Homepage: http://www.luiscapelo.info/
Organization: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/luiscape
Seems like he has been working on ebola mapping starting in 2014-08, and many of his repositories should be checked out as he seems to have been cranking out various screen scrapers to gather ebola data from around the Web.
See HDX Repository for more on his work.
Simon Johnson
Github: SimonbJohnson
Home page: https://simonbjohnson.github.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Simon_B_Johnson
Organization: British Red Cross
Judging by his twitter feed he's be paying attention to the data problem since mid 2014-08. He tweeted his first ebola visualization on 2014-09-01.
He has worked on multiple visualizations and dashboards of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak. He seems to have worked with Luis Capelo on The Ebola Narrative and is currently maintaining it.
Simon Johnson's ebola visualization work is very good. Note that his gallery is more about getting the code working. Then he let's others run with it and pretty it up for public consumption, as happened in the case of his Ebola Narrative which Le Temps deployed successfully.
One can consider his work as evidence that the project's goal (a single amateur being able to easily and freely produced an outbreak dashboard) is achievable. Simon, who is very much not an amateur, nonetheless is essentially cranking out his visualizations solo.
Note that these type of tools can work without a network connection (for example, The Ebola Narrative has been tested and proven to work when loaded via file://
URLs of a local hard drive).
Ebola Dashboard
He cranked out high level dashboard which he maintains with fresh data:
- the viz: http://simonbjohnson.github.io/Ebola_Dashboard/
- its github: https://github.com/SimonbJohnson/Ebola_Dashboard/tree/gh-pages
Caitlin Rivers
Github: cmrivers
Home page: http://www.caitlinrivers.com/
Twitter: @cmyeaton
Organization: Virginia Tech
In the early days of the West Africa ebola outbreak, Caitlin Rivers manually collected data from the Web and maintained resulting CVS files in a Github repository, which was being updated roughly daily with 27 people contributing to the repository. Eventually, the WHO started putting out numbers and the effort was wound down.