A Review of Online Tasks Guide (IFT) - JohnThombson/gawdo GitHub Wiki

An online task planner is a tool that will help you plan your daily and weekly tasks. If you are like most people, it can be difficult to keep track of all of your tasks. I know I often do and it helps me to write them down in a diary or even on my computer. Some people just can't do without a task planner.

If you want a simple tool to manage your daily schedule, your weekly schedule, or your monthly schedule you should purchase an online task management program. There are many free task management programs that you can use but they just don't provide the level of functionality that a more robust program will. The best online task management program has been named Day Viewer and can be found here.

One of the nice features of using an online task manager is the ability to set IFTTT goals. IFTTT stands for "IFactory, Invest, Test, and Terf". This is a very simple system that will help you to create tasks and assign an IFTTT goal to each one. For instance you could create a tourist goal to test a new blog feature if you create a blog in the new months. Now all you have to do is start creating goals in the IFTTT app and you will be notified whenever you create a new task and it will go off and do its work.

Another great feature of Day Viewer is the automation of your Google search results. You can configure how many search results you want to display and even how they will show up in the order that you define. You can change it at any time and it will have an effect on how your Google search results appear. I use this feature quite a bit as well. I am always trying to find the newest ways to improve my business and I always seem to lose track of some of the newer, more effective methods. I can quickly create a report that highlights my discoveries and make it available for everyone who uses Google's search functionality to take advantage of.

One last useful tool for using Google's Task Manager is the ability to see a list of all your tasks in one easy to read page. When I started using Day Viewer my only view of all my project was my computer screen. However, after reading the manual it was easy to see my entire project log and all of my to-do tasks. Even better, it was super easy to create a new task by tapping the "New task" button on the toolbar. Just type what you want to do and drag and drop into place.

Also the Task Manager in Day Viewer is extremely useful for finding out which task you are working on before your computer gets too much slower. I had been amazed once again by how fast my computer became, after using it for a couple weeks. I was able to tell right away that the task planner was really important for keeping my tasks organized and in line with my other projects. Once again, I was able to quickly find out which tasks were completed and which were waiting until later.

The Day viewer task manager is a little more involved than the previous two I looked at. While it does have many similar features to the other two, the Day viewer has a few unique features of its own. The Day viewer task manager allows me to set up reminders so that I know exactly what tasks I need to do before I get sidetracked. It also includes an Day viewer application which helps me keep track of all of my open tasks and easily create subtasks.

If I need to get a lot of work done, I love using both of these programs. I have two laptops so having both at my side is essential. If I am at work and need to multi-task, the Day viewer is my choice. If I am out and about and need to multi-task, the IFTT program comes in handy. Both of these programs are great for helping me get things accomplished and saving me time.