2.WhiteBox - JohnPHealy/vision-declanqc GitHub Wiki
Once I had a general idea for my game I made a new unity project and began whiteboxing the level, testing out certain mechanics and how they synergized with my player character controller.
In this initial design, some of the platforms were too narrow, making it extremely difficult to turn in place on them, without falling off.
I subsequently made the narrower platforms wider to make the game a bit more fair to the player.
In the game's whitebox I created some new scripts that disabled some of the platform's mesh renderers when the player came into contact with them. This made the platforms invisible, but still solid to the player. I also coded some platforms that disabled the players mesh renderer making them invisible while in contact with the platform.
I also wanted to implement some kind of interactable and created some script for a key that unlocks a door.