The Level - JohnPHealy/vision-Tox1cQueen GitHub Wiki

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Starting area

Since I wanted the game to be about a newly created soul, I thought the best place to start would be in a church for holy/biblical references. Though their has been many problems. I wanted this to be more of a central area where their are doors you can go through to go to the different levels but my code to do so was not working and I had to just cut that idea. So, instead you can see a door that you can not get to in the hope that it makes the player feel like the journey is to make it to the door.

Red area

This is the first and shortest. With this area not having any unique game play elements just having it be the way the players get uses to the movement of the game. With the red Chinse background I hope converges intensity and danger. With the only obstacle being fire since that is most represented of red and the emotions tied to red. A lot of the platform layout has changed over playtesting to create more difficulty in some parts but to overall make it flow better. I wanted to try get this feeling of those black and white 2D platformers on the phone that you are a ninja jumping from building to building.

Blue area

This is the level with the most change, I first had it as a more "standard" water level but with testing that I did I could not make it feel good. So, instead I took the water currents I was using to make a maze like area before to be how you move in the level. So I made the start of this area/level to get uses to the water and what it can do then you go into a maze like area with many different water currents but will lead you to the end. Since blue has many assertions I wanted to try show them all, with the background image being a cave with the colors closest being darker to show the more depressing emotions tied to it. But in the background having liter colors to show to good side to almost say that you can get past them and reach the sky.

Green area

This area was the easiest to make since I know what I wanted in this level, though finetuning was hard for this level. Since I wanted to use wind currents to launch you around the map but depending on angle, speed and height could change the outcome completely. From the testing I got back, people enjoyed this area but was a little enjoyed with the inconstancies and since their were two times were you could not know were you were going so to try make them more constant I had to add some extra geometry to ack like a barrier to stop the player flying away. I wanted to keep these since it felt very good if it all worked out. The open field background represents what green and the emotions connected to it the best with nature/life and youth.

Ending area

Now with the journey of collecting parts of your soul you end up back in the same room as before but able to reach the door.


When trying to add checkpoints since restarting from the very start was not enjoyable, now it has made the respon code to not work. Even removing the checkpoints did not work and I have not found a way to fix this problem. Now you can work on the death barrier but to get around this I have added invisible air currents next to the wall at the start of the area so you can get back to the start.

In unity, it kept giving errors when I tried to download the WebGL module, so it is sadly it is a downloadable file instead of a game playable in browser.