Feedback on Game Concept - JohnPHealy/vision-Tox1cQueen GitHub Wiki
Feedback on Game Concept
- Things people like about the concept
From the comments I got they all seemed to like the uses of colors to represent emotions and having different areas baits on them. This felt very reliving since I was worried about the concept and if I would portray it well in the presentation. Some people though when I said the colors are tied to emotions that you gain new abilities with then, I had never tough of this since I had the idea of how Titan souls way of collecting. But this was a interesting idea to think of and how they would add to the levels. But someone also pointed out and I do agree with them that constantly adding new powers/mechanics would make it difficult to balance and may overwhelm the player. So, I have decide to not have power-ups in a way once collected.
- Things people did not like about the concept
Sadly most people commented about my presentation skills/presentation instead of the concept. Some did but they were about the possibility of a water level. Now I do have in a way a water level but I hope that how I have done it, makes me hope that it will be fun and not aggravating.
- Additional comments
A surjection to have many different levels but only needing a certain amount of them. This was a idea that I was playing around with but with time constrains and many other problems made this not a possibility.