Colour meanings - JohnPHealy/vision-Tox1cQueen GitHub Wiki

Colour Meanings

  1. Red: Is a warm colour that is assonated with fire, violence, war and passion. These all show that red is shown to be something strong and wild. The emotions that it is commonly connected with red is a sense of danger, anger and importance.

  2. Blue: Is a cool colour that peace, cold, harmony, trust, sky, water, depression and confidence. Their a big mix here where it has connections with feelings that are bad(depression), while also being connected with things and feelings that are good(sky and confidence).

  3. Green: Is a cool colour that nature, renewal, envy, youth, good luck, jealousy, inexperience and the season Spring. Their are many assignations some being positive and negative.

  4. White Is a colour with many different thing, feelings and emotions connected with it but the ones that are important are purity and birth.