Wiki page 2 - JohnPHealy/vision-ItsSavo GitHub Wiki
WIKI: Feedback+Fixes: Feedback(From Play testing):
- The light that was emitted range was way too short and left the person playing having to guess where to jump as it was too dark.
- Some jumps were not possible to make or required a pixel perfect to reach which was caused the player to feel infuriated.
- Player would die to nothing out of nowhere
- The main menu text was off center. Fixes:
1.I increased the range of the point light on the player and changed the intensity of the directional light so the players vision wasn't obstructed to the point it was not very fun. 2.I changed moves some tiles and play tested my entire level to make sure every jump was possible and took out the pixel perfect jump and just made them challenging but not to the point of frustration (I think). 3.I realised that for some reason that when I started the game the enemies would become invisible. I tried many times the fix this but couldn't get it to work so I had to chose to not use enemies in the game. 4. I centered up the text as best as I could.