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All Clyde's ever known is the underground world he's been living here his entire life in a world of darkness, but when he was young his mother used to tell him the story of the world above how there was plenty of life and how it was full of light. Clyde is on an adventure to find this world above, he is willing to venture the depths of this underground world to achieve his goal of witnessing this REAL light for his own eyes.
Clyde is a boy who is allergic to darkness, if his skin comes in contact with the dark it will shrivel up into nothingness and his life will cease existing, because of this he constantly has to wear is highly advanced cybernetic outfit to prevent the darkness from reaching his skin.
Concept: A simple plat-former with challenging jumps and traps like spikes. A camera that would follow the player. Enemies that could kill the player (failed concept for some reason enemy became invisible on game start). ``The world is very dark the player will only be able to see very little but with Clyde's cybernetic outfit that is able to emit light surrounding him the player will be able to see some of their surrounding area. You must play very tactically to complete the level, You must time your jumps right so you don't end up hitting the spikes and end up dying. You beat the level when you reach the light.