Single Screen game - JohnPHealy/single-screen-game-zoheb598 GitHub Wiki

Before starting my project I had a rough idea of the type of game I was going to make. The most simple straight forward 2d game would be a platformer and so that's what I opted for.

I used trello to write down the tasks I had to complete.

  • Set up player controls
  • Design the level
  • Playtest
  • Implement feedback

I first added the player and ground just to have something in my scene. I soon worked on implementing the player controls which in my case was only keyboard. After that I wrote the scripts for the players movements which I got from following the class videos.

I finally started building my level and to do this I used unitys tiles. I got a tilesheet online and imported it into my project. I added physics to the ground tiles so the player could move around. After setting up the basics I started designing rough ideas of what I wanted in my game. There would be two three enemies within the level. A passive saw that went around the map infinitely, a stationary aggressive plant and the boss standing between the next level and the player. To move onto the next level the boss would have to be killed in order to obtain the key.

With my rough ideas in mind I then began designing my level

After completing the grounds of my level I added the necessary events that would occur when colliding with specific objects. The last thing I did was add an end screen. Unfortunately I didn't get to either playtest or add most of what I wanted to my level because I didn't manage my time properly. I did screw this project up but learned valuable lessons which will be applied to the next project.