Make Targets - JohnMcCaffery/NuiLib GitHub Wiki

All targets can be appended with _D, _V or _DV. _D specifies compile with debug flags. _V specifies compile with Visual flags. _DV specifies compile with both. Visual flags mean an output window will be displayed that shows the depth map, overlaid with any relevant debug information such as the position of joints.

Name Description
COMPILE_CORE Compile, but don't link, the core source files, without compiling the device specific source. Equivalent to compiling the NuiLib Visual Studio project.
COMPILE_KINECT_MS Compile, but don't link, the source for support for the Microsoft Kinect drivers. Equivalent to compiling the NuiLib-Kinect-MS Visual Studio project.
COMPILE_DEMO_BASIC Compile, but don't link, the source for the basic demo.
COMPILE_DEMO_SLIDESHOW Compile, but don't link, the source for the slideshow demo.
COMPILE_DEMO_MOVEMENT Compile, but don't link, the source for the movement demo.
COMPILE_DEMOS Compile, but don't link, the source for all three demos.
LIB_CORE Compile the core source files and link the output into a static library (extension: .lib).
LIB_KINECT_MS Compile the source for support for the Microsoft Kinect drivers and link the output into a static library (extension: .lib).
LIB The same as calling LIB_CORE and then LIB_KINECT_MS.
DLL Compile the source for the core library and support for the Microsoft Kinect drivers and link them both into a dynamic library (extension: .dll). A static linking library (.dll.a) will also be created as well as a definition (.def) file.
DEMO_BASIC Compile, then link to an .exe, the source for the basic demo. Will also create the Core and Kinect Microsoft Drivers static libraries (same as running the LIB_CORE and LIB_KINECT_MS targets).
DEMO_SLIDESHOW Compile, then link to a .exe, the source for the slideshow demo. Will also create the Core and Kinect Microsoft Drivers static libraries (same as running the LIB_CORE and LIB_KINECT_MS targets).
DEMO_MOVEMENT Compile, then link to a .exe, the source for the movement demo. Will also create the Core and Kinect Microsoft Drivers static libraries (same as running the LIB_CORE and LIB_KINECT_MS targets).
RUN_DEMO_BASIC Compile, link, then run, the source for the basic demo.
RUN_DEMO_SLIDESHOW Compile, link, then run, the source for the slideshow demo. Will add in the correct arguments to bring up the default images.
RUN_DEMO_MOVEMENT Compile, link, then run, the source for the movement demo.
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