Component List - JohnMcCaffery/NuiLib GitHub Wiki

All the components currently implemented. Divided into Scalars, Vectors and Conditions.

Scalars - back to top
Name Access Description Arguments
Sum op1 + op2 Arithmetic Sum op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Difference op1 - op2 Arithmetic Difference op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Product op1 * op2 Arithmetic Product op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Quotient op1 / op2 Arithmetic Quotient op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Sum equals op1 += op2 Arithmetic Sum then Store in op1 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Difference equals op1 -= op2 Arithmetic Difference then Store in op1 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Product equals op1 *= op2 Arithmetic Product then Store in op1 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Quotient equals op1 /= op2 Arithmetic Quotient then Store in op1 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
X component x(vector) The x component of a Vector vector(Vector)
Y component y(vector) The y component of a Vector vector(Vector)
Z component z(vector) The z component of a Vector vector(Vector)
Magnitude magnitude(vector) The magnitude of a Vector vector(Vector)
Dot dot(a, b) The dot product of two Vectors. a(Vector), b(Vector)
Normalize Max normalize(input) Normalize a scalar against the maximum value it has ever been input(Scalar)
Constrain constrain(input, deadzone, range, grace, mirror) Constrain an input to between 0 and 1. Constraining is done based on a specific range between deadzone and deadzone + range. Less than deadzone = 0. Deadzone to Deadzone + Range = 0 to 1. Deadzone+Range to Deadzone+Range+Grace = 1. More than Deadzone+Range+Grace = 0. Input can be mirrored (absolute values used so that negative values are constrained in an inverse of positive values) or not. input(Scalar), deadzone(Scalar/float), range(Scalar/float), grace(Scalar/float), mirror(bool)
Absolute Value abs(input) Take the absolute value of a scalar. input(Scalar)
Invert invert(condition) Invert based on a condition. If the condition is true, value is -1, otherwise value is 1. condition(Condition)
Delta delta(input) The change in a scalar between the last value and the current value. input(Scalar)
Project project(a, b) The scalar projection of vector a onto vector b onto another. a(Vector), b(Vector)
If ifscalar(condition, t, f) Value = condition ? t : f. condition(Condition), t(Scalar/float), f(Scalar/float)
Tracker tracker(title, max, scale, shift, value) Display a window with a tracker bar whose position translates into the value of the scalar. Raw tracker values are between 0 and max. Final value is (raw * scale) + shift. Initial value is value. title(string), max(int), scale(float), shift(float), value(int)
Vectors - back to top
Name Access Description Arguments
Sum op1 + op2 Arithmetic Sum. Value = (op1.x + op2.x, op1.y + op2.y, op1.z + op2.z) op1(Vector/Point3f/float), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Difference op1 - op2 Arithmetic Sum. Value = (op1.x - op2.x, op1.y - op2.y, op1.z - op2.z) op1(Vector/Point3f/float), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Product op1 * op2 Arithmetic Sum. Value = (op1.x * op2.x, op1.y * op2.y, op1.z * op2.z) op1(Vector/Point3f/float), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Quotient op1 / op2 Arithmetic Sum. Value = (op1.x / op2.x, op1.y / op2.y, op1.z / op2.z) op1(Vector/Point3f/float), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Sum equals op1 += op2 Arithmetic Sum then Store in op1. Value = (op1.x + op2.x, op1.y + op2.y, op1.z + op2.z) op1(Vector), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Difference equals op1 -= op2 Arithmetic Sum then Store in op1. Value = (op1.x - op2.x, op1.y - op2.y, op1.z - op2.z) op1(Vector), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Product equals op1 *= op2 Arithmetic Sum then Store in op1. Value = (op1.x * op2.x, op1.y * op2.y, op1.z * op2.z) op1(Vector), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Quotient equals op1 /= op2 Arithmetic Sum then Store in op1. Value = (op1.x / op2.x, op1.y / op2.y, op1.z / op2.z) op1(Vector), op2(Vector/Point3f/float)
Normalize Max normalize(input) Normalize a vector so its magnitude is 1. input(Vector)
Cross Product cross(a, b) The cross product of two vectors. a(Vector), b(Vector)
Limit limit(vector, x, y, z) Limit a vector to only chosen axes. Non-chosen axes are 0. Set x, y or z true to select that axis. vector(Vector), x(bool), y(bool), z(bool)
Delta delta(input) The change in each component of a vector between the last value and the current value. input(Vector)
Snapshot snapshot(vector, condition) Take a snapshot of a vector every time a condition becomes true. vector(Vector), condition(Condition)
Momentum momentum(vector, condition, decrement, threshold) As long as condition is true value is vector. As soon as the condition becomes false the final delta is used to calculate momentum. It is shifted so that it's magnitude reduces by decrement each threshold until it is less than threshold. vector(Vector), condition(Condition), decrement(float), threshold(float)
Scale scale(vector, scale) Scale a vector so it's magnitude is scale. vectori>(Vector), scale(Scalar/float)
Intersect intersect(pPlane, normalPlane, pLine, dirLine) Calculate the intersection of a point and a plane. Pplane is a point on the plane. NormalPlane is the normal to the plane. Pline is a point on the line. DirLine is the direction of the line. pPlane(Vector), normalPlane(Vector), pLine(Vector), dirLine(Vector)
Joint joint(joint) Get the 3D cartesian coordinates of a skeleton point in space. joint(int)
	<td>True if the specified hand is in a fist. Righthand = true: specify right hand. Righthand = false. Specify left hand. The algorithm used to track fists is described in <a href="">this</a> paper. The implementation is loosely based on <a href="">this</a> code which is demonstrated in <a href="">this</a> video.</td>
Conditions - back to top
Name Access Description Arguments
Greater op1 > op2 True if op1 is greater than op2 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Less op1 < op2 True if op1 is less than op2 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Greater Equal op1op2 True if op1 is greater or equal to op2 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Less Equal op1op2 True if op1 is less or equal to op2 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Equal To op1 == op2 True if op1 is equal to op2 op1(Scalar/float), op2(Scalar/float)
Not Equal To op1 != op2 True if op1 is not equal to op2 op1(Scalar/Point3f/float), op2(Scalar/Point3f/float)
And op1 && op2 True if op1 and op2 are true op1(Condition/bool), op2(Condition/bool)
Or op1 || op2 True if op1 or op2 is true op1(Condition/bool), op2(Condition/bool)
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