Stack In C : The Complete Guide - JohnHau/mis GitHub Wiki

The stack is a data structure that works on the principle of LIFO(Last in, first out). In stacks, we insert elements from one side and only remove the items from that side. The stack is a container adapter that uses an encapsulated object of a specific container class, which provides a particular set of member functions to access its elements.

Stack in C++ Stacks in C++ are a container adaptor with LIFO(Last In First Out) type of work, where the new element is added at one end and (top) an item is removed from that end only. In the stack data structure, the elements inserted initially are taken out from the stack at last.


Header file required to use stack in C++ – #include

With this we can use stack STL. Different functions associated with stacks empty() The empty() function returns whether the stack is empty or not.

Syntax stack_name.empty() We don’t pass any parameter, and it returns true if the stack is empty or false otherwise.

Example stack1 = 1,2,3

stack1.empty(); Output False size() It returns several items in the stack.

Syntax stack_name.size() We don’t pass any parameter in this, and it returns the number of elements in the stack container.

Example stack_1 = 1,2,3,4,5 stack_1.size(); Output 5 top() It returns a reference to the topmost element of a stack.

Syntax; We don’t need to pass any parameter, and it returns a direct reference of the top element.

Example stack_name.push(5); stack_name.push(6);; Output 6 push(k) The push() function is used to insert the elements in the stack.

It adds the element ‘k’ at the top of the stack.

Syntax stack_name.push(value) In this, we pass the value as a parameter and, as a result, add the element to the stack.

Example stack1.push(77) stack1.push(88) Output 77, 88 pop() It deletes the topmost element from the stack.

Syntax stack_name.pop() In this, we don’t pass any parameters. This function pops the topmost element from the stack.

Example stack1 = 10,20,30;
stack1.pop(); Output 10, 20 Errors and Exceptions

  1. Shows error if a parameter is passed.
  2. Shows no exception throw guarantee.

C++ Stack Algorithm In stack-related algorithms, the TOP initially points to 0, the index of elements in the stack starts from 1, and an index of the last element is MAX.


Algorithm to initialize a stack using array. 
TOP points to the top-most element of stack.

1) TOP: = 0;
2) Exit

The push() operation is used to insert an element into the stack. PUSH_STACK(STACK,TOP,MAX,ITEM)

Algorithm to push an item into stack.
1) IF TOP = MAX   then
Print “Stack is full”;
2) Otherwise
TOP: = TOP + 1;        /*increment TOP*/
3) End of IF
4) Exit

The pop() operation is used to delete the item from the stack, get an item and then decrease the TOP pointer. POP_STACK(STACK,TOP,ITEM)

Algorithm to pop an element from stack.

1) IF TOP = 0 then
    Print “Stack is empty”;
2) Otherwise
    TOP:=TOP – 1;
3) End of IF
4) Exit

Algorithm to check stack is full or not. 
STATUS contains the result status.

1) IF TOP = MAX then
2) Otherwise
3)  End of IF
4)  Exit

Algorithm to check stack is empty or not.
STATUS contains the result status.

1) IF TOP = 0 then
2) Otherwise
3)  End of IF
4)  Exit

C++ Stack Program Q1- Write a program to insert five elements in the stack and print the top element using top() and print the size of the stack and check if the stack is empty or not.

#include #include

using namespace std;

int main() { stack stack1; //empty stack of integer type stack1.push(100); stack1.push(200); stack1.push(300); stack1.push(400); stack1.push(500);

cout << "The topmost element of the stack is:" << << endl; cout << "The size of the stack is=" << stack1.size() << endl;

if (stack1.empty()) { cout << "Stack is empty" << endl; } else { cout << "Stack is not empty" << endl; } }


#include #include

using namespace std;

int main() { stack stack1; //empty stack of integer type stack1.push(100); stack1.push(200); stack1.push(300); stack1.push(400); stack1.push(500);

stack1.pop(); stack1.pop();

while (!stack1.empty()) { cout << "Element =" << << endl; stack1.pop(); } }



Stack implements the LIFO mechanism, i.e., the element that is pushed at the end is popped out first.

That’s it.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️