C Basic Input Output - JohnHau/mis GitHub Wiki




The endl manipulator produces a newline character, exactly as the insertion of '\n' does; but it also has an additional behavior: the stream's buffer (if any) is flushed, which means that the output is requested to be physically written to the device, if it wasn't already. This affects mainly fully buffered streams, and cout is (generally) not a fully buffered stream. Still, it is generally a good idea to use endl only when flushing the stream would be a feature and '\n' when it would not. Bear in mind that a flushing operation incurs a certain overhead, and on some devices it may produce a delay.





In this example, we acquire numeric values from the standard input indirectly: Instead of extracting numeric values directly from cin, we get lines from it into a string object (mystr), and then we extract the values from this string into the variables price and quantity. Once these are numerical values, arithmetic operations can be performed on them, such as multiplying them to obtain a total price.

With this approach of getting entire lines and extracting their contents, we separate the process of getting user input from its interpretation as data, allowing the input process to be what the user expects, and at the same time gaining more control over the transformation of its content into useful data by the program.