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I have created a page here for each application that I have written.
Tip: to make it easier to execute python scripts as commands, add ".PY" to the PATHEXT environment variable.
A typical process for processing photos is:
- Copy a huge bunch of photos to a location where they will be processed.
- Use CRC32 to create a CRCS.CSV file for all of those files.
- Use Compare CRCs to find and remove files with the same CRC.
- Use Photo Renamer to make sure that each file has a filename that includes a date taken.
- Use Photo Backup to back those folders up to Pictures and Videos folders.
- Use Find Dateless to find JPEG files that still have no date. Modifying those files to add a date is something I don't have a simple plan for yet. The most surefire way to accomplish that is to:
- Edit the photo using PAINT.
- Copy the photo.
- Create a new photo.
- Paste that new photo and crop if necessary.
- Save the new photo over the old one. This results in a new photo with today's date.
- Use Photo Renamer again with the -d switch to replace that date with one from the filename.
- Use CRC32 again to create an updated CRCS.CSV file.