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I have created a page here for each application that I have written.

Tip: to make it easier to execute python scripts as commands, add ".PY" to the PATHEXT environment variable.

A typical process for processing photos is:

  1. Copy a huge bunch of photos to a location where they will be processed.
  2. Use CRC32 to create a CRCS.CSV file for all of those files.
  3. Use Compare CRCs to find and remove files with the same CRC.
  4. Use Photo Renamer to make sure that each file has a filename that includes a date taken.
  5. Use Photo Backup to back those folders up to Pictures and Videos folders.
  6. Use Find Dateless to find JPEG files that still have no date. Modifying those files to add a date is something I don't have a simple plan for yet. The most surefire way to accomplish that is to:
  • Edit the photo using PAINT.
  • Copy the photo.
  • Create a new photo.
  • Paste that new photo and crop if necessary.
  • Save the new photo over the old one. This results in a new photo with today's date.
  • Use Photo Renamer again with the -d switch to replace that date with one from the filename.
  1. Use CRC32 again to create an updated CRCS.CSV file.