Taarifa with MAMP - John07/Taarifa_Web GitHub Wiki
This page describes how to install Taarifa using MAMP on Mac OS X. The general installation guide for Taarifa can be found here.
Download MAMP from here and install it.
Download Taarifa. Go to https://github.com/taarifa/Taarifa_Web and click on the ZIP download button.
Unzip Taarifa.
Set the necessary file permissions. Open the Terminal app (it's in your Applications/Utilities folder) and type:
cd path-to-Taarifa-directory chmod -R 777 application/config chmod -R 777 application/cache chmod -R 777 application/logs chmod -R 777 media/uploads chmod 777 .htaccess
Run MAMP (not MAMP Pro). Go to Settings and then the Apache tab. Change the 'Document Root' to your Taarifa directory.
Create the database: Open the Terminal and type
/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqladmin -u 'root' -p create 'taarifa1'
This will create a database named "taarifa1" with the user "root". MySQL will prompt for the password for the root user, the password is "root" (this is the default of MAMP).
Next, you must set the database access rights by logging in with:
/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -u 'root' -p
Again, you will be prompted for the 'root' database password.
At the MySQL prompt, enter the following command:GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, INDEX on taarifa1.* TO root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'root';
Run the Taarifa installation by going to http://localhost:8888/installer/.