User Guide: PicoC - JochiPochi/TauLabs GitHub Wiki
Targets supporting PicoC
PicoC is supported on:
- Sparky2
- Colibri (TBS Gemini)
- FlyingF4
- Freedom
- Quanton
- Revolution
- Revomini
... in other words, F4-based platforms.
Enable PicoC
TAB Enable: Check PicoC Interpreter (Save / Reboot)
![Enable PicoC](
First Test
- Startup = Disabled
- Source = Disabled
![Enable PicoC](
Serial Port
USB_VCPPort = PicoC
In this case you have a virtual serial parallel to you normal USB for GCS
![Enable PicoC](
Howto put a script to you board
GCS: Enable "Edit Gadgets Mode"
Choose PicoC in a panel of your choice
Enter: printf("Here is your sript ...\n");
Click Button 1
Connect a Terminal application to your UART (perhaps CoolTerm) and connect
Click Button 2
Now you should see Here is your sript ...
##Following some example scripts.
Sonar HC-SR04
- OUT5 = Trigger,
- IN2 = Echo
#include "system.h"
PWMFreqSet(2,10); /* set channel 5-6 to 10Hz */
PWMOutSet(5,10); /* set channel 5 to 10µs pulse */
while (getchar() != 27) {
float distance = PWMInGet(1)/58.0;
printf("Distance = %f cm\n", distance);
Sinus-LED via Accessorychannel
- Out5---470R---LED---GND
- GCS Output: Channel 5 set 0 to 20.000 and neutral to 10.000
- MixerSettings / Mixer5Type / Accessory0
#include "system.h"
#include "math.h"
int main() {
float f = 0;
while (!armed()) {
printf("%f\n", sin(f));
return 0;
Headers and Functions
There are virtual header files in PicoC. They create functions for calculation and communication between the UAVObjects and the user script.
Function (built-in) |
Description |
void printf( char *, ...) |
ansi c |
char *sprintf(char *, char *, ...) |
ansi c |
char *gets(char *) |
ansi c |
int getchar() |
get a char from stdIn (USART) |
int putchar(int) |
put a char to stdOut (USART), returns the same char |
void exit(int) |
abort the script and write the value to Exit Value |
Header file string.h |
Description |
void strcpy(char *,char *) |
ansi c |
void strncpy(char *,char *,int) |
ansi c |
int strcmp(char *,char *) |
ansi c |
int strncmp(char *,char *,int) |
ansi c |
void strcat(char *,char *) |
ansi c |
char *index(char *,int) |
ansi c |
char *rindex(char *,int) |
ansi c |
int strlen(char *) |
ansi c |
Header file math.h |
Description |
float sin(float) |
sine |
float cos(float) |
cosine |
float tan(float) |
tangent |
float asin(float) |
arc sine |
float acos(float) |
arc cosine |
float atan(float) |
arc tangent |
float sinh(float) |
hyperbolic sine |
float cosh(float) |
hyperbolic cosine |
float tanh(float) |
hyperbolic tangent |
float exp(float) |
e raised to the given power |
float fabs(float) |
absolute value |
float log(float) |
base 2 logarithm |
float log10(float) |
base 10 logarithm |
float pow(float,float) |
number raised to the given power |
float sqrt(float) |
square root |
float round(float) |
nearest integer |
float ceil(float) |
nearest not less integer |
float floor(float) |
nearest not greater integer |
M_PI |
3.14159265358979323846 |
M_E |
2.7182818284590452354 |
Header file system.h |
Description |
Level |
void delay(int) |
ms-delay for given value |
void sync(int) |
like delay, but synchronized with last call. 0 resets interval. [ms] |
unsigned long time() |
get current time count after boot up in ms |
int armed() |
true when FlightStatusArmed=Armed, otherwise false |
void AccessLevelSet(int) |
set UAVO access level. Used to secure some functions |
void ChangeBaud(unsigned long) |
changes the PicoC USART rate |
int TestValGet() |
PicoCStatusTestValue |
void TestValSet(int i) |
PicoCStatusTestValue=i |
float AccessoryValGet(int i) |
AccessoryDesiredInstance[i]AccessoryVal |
void AccessoryValSet(int i,float f) |
AccessoryDesiredInstance[i]AccessoryVal=f |
PWMFreqSet(int i, unsigned int f) |
set output frequency for channels i to f |
1 |
PWMOutSet(int ch,int i) |
set pwm output channel ch to interval i [µs] |
PWMInGet(int ch) |
get pwm interval of input ch [µs] |
int TxChannelValGet(int c) |
µs-value of channel c from actual transmitter |
void GPIOWrite(unsigned int pin_num, unsigned int command) |
Write a GPIO pin (0=resets the pin to low voltage , 1=sets the pin to high voltage, 2=toggle between high and low voltage) |
int GPIORead(unsigned int pin_num) |
Read the value of a GPIO pin |
Header file accels.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float x; |
m/s^2 |
float y; |
m/s^2 |
float z; |
m/s^2 |
float temperature; |
deg C |
} AccelsData; |
void AccelsGet(AccelsData *) |
get data object Accels |
Header file attitudeactual.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float Roll; |
degrees |
float Pitch; |
degrees |
float Yaw; |
degrees |
} AttitudeActualData; |
void AttitudeActualGet(AttitudeActualData *) |
get data object AttitudeActual |
Header file baroaltitude.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float Altitude; |
m |
float Temperature; |
deg C |
float Pressure; |
kPa |
} BaroAltitudeData; |
void BaroAltitudeGet(BaroAltitudeData *) |
get data object BaroAltitude |
Header file flightbatterystate.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float Voltage; |
V |
float Current; |
A |
float BoardSupplyVoltage; |
V |
float PeakCurrent; |
A |
float AvgCurrent; |
A |
float ConsumedEnergy; |
mAh |
float EstimatedFlightTime; |
sec |
} FlightBatteryStateData; |
void FlightBatteryStateGet(FlightBatteryStateData *) |
get data object FlightBatteryState |
Header file flightstatus.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
unsigned char Armed; |
unsigned char FlightMode; |
Manual=0, Acro=1, Leveling=2, VirtualBar=3, Stabilized1=4, Stabilized2=5, Stabilized3=6, Autotune=7, AltitudeHold=8, VelocityControl=9, PositionHold=10, ReturnToHome=11, PathPlanner=12, TabletControll=13 |
unsigned char ControlSource; |
Geofence=0, FailSafe=1, Transmitter=2, Tablet=3 |
} FlightStatusData; |
void FlightStatusGet(FlightStatusData *) |
get data object FlightStatus |
Header file gpsposition.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
long Latitude; |
degrees x 10^-7 |
long Longitude; |
degrees x 10^-7 |
float Altitude; |
meters |
float GeoidSeparation; |
meters |
float Heading; |
degrees |
float GroundSpeed; |
m/s |
float PDOP; |
float HDOP; |
float VDOP; |
unsigned char Status; |
char Satellites; |
} GPSPositionData; |
void GPSPositionGet(GPSPositionData *) |
get data object GPSPosition |
Header file gyros.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float x; |
deg/s |
float y; |
deg/s |
float z; |
deg/s |
float temperature; |
deg C |
} GyrosData; |
void GyrosGet(GyrosData *) |
get data object Gyros |
Header file magnetometer.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float x; |
deg/s |
float y; |
deg/s |
float z; |
deg/s |
} MagnetometerData; |
void MagnetometerGet(MagnetometerData *) |
get data object Magnetometer |
Header file manualcontrol.h |
Description |
Level |
FlightModeSet(int pos,int m) |
ManualControlSettingsFlightModePosition[pos]=m |
1 |
void Stabilized1Set(int r,int p,int y) |
ManualControlSettingsStabilization1Settings[Roll,Pitch,Yaw]=(r,p,y) |
1 |
void Stabilized2Set(int r,int p,int y) |
ManualControlSettingsStabilization2Settings[Roll,Pitch,Yaw]=(r,p,y) |
1 |
void Stabilized3Set(int r,int p,int y) |
ManualControlSettingsStabilization3Settings[Roll,Pitch,Yaw]=(r,p,y) |
1 |
Header file pathdesired.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float Start[3]; |
North,East,Down m |
float End[3]; |
North,East,Down m |
float StartingVelocity; |
m/s |
float EndingVelocity; |
m/s |
float ModeParameters; |
unsigned char Mode; |
} PathDesiredData; |
void PathDesiredGet(PathDesiredData *) |
get data object PathDesired |
void PathDesiredSet(PathDesiredData *) |
set data object PathDesired |
Header file pathstatus.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float fractional_progress; |
float error; |
m |
unsigned char Status; |
} PathStatusData; |
void PathStatusGet(PathStatusData *) |
get data object PathStatus |
Header file positionactual.h |
Unit / Description |
typedef struct { |
float North; |
m |
float East; |
m |
float Down; |
m |
} PositionActualData; |
void PositionActualGet(PositionActualData *) |
get data object PositionActual |
Header file pid.h |
Description |
typedef struct { |
float p; |
Kp |
float i; |
Ki |
float d; |
Kd |
float iLim; |
limits the integral accumulator |
float iAccumulator; |
float lastErr; |
float lastDer; |
float dTau; |
} pid; |
float pid_apply(pid *,float err,float dT) |
update pid and return controller value |
float pid_apply_antiwindup(pid *,float err,float min_bound,float max_bound,float dT) |
like pid_apply() but with anti windup limit |
float pid_apply_setpoint(pid *,float setpoint,float measured,float dT) |
void pid_zero(pid *) |
reset pid structure |
void pid_configure(pid *,float p,float i,float d,float iLim,float cutoff) |
configure the settings for a pid structure |