HX Plugins - Joalor64GH/Joalor64-Engine GitHub Wiki

HX Plugins Tutorial

A lot of code from Modding Plus was used for this to work.

Here's a quick tutorial.

How it Works

It's basically an .hx script that can run a cutscene or a whole week.

For example, RunningTankman.hx as seen in assets/scripts/plugin_classes:

import DynamicSprite;
import PluginManager.HscriptGlobals;
import DynamicSprite.DynamicAtlasFrames;
import Conductor;
class RunningTankman extends DynamicSprite {
    public var tankSpeed = 0.7;
    public var goingRight = false;
    public var strumTime = 0;
    public var hscriptPath = "assets/images/custom_stages";
	public var endingOffset = HscriptGlobals.random.float(0.6, 1);
    public function new (?x=0, y=0, scriptPath:String) {
        super(x, y);
        this.hscriptPath = scriptPath;
		frames = DynamicAtlasFrames.fromSparrow(hscriptPath + 'tankmanKilled1.png', hscriptPath + 'tankmanKilled1.xml');
        antialiasing = true;
        animation.addByPrefix("run", "tankman running", 24, true);
		animation.addByPrefix("shot", "John Shot " + HscriptGlobals.random.int(1,2), 24, false);
		animation.curAnim.curFrame = HscriptGlobals.random.int(0, animation.curAnim.frames.length - 1);
        setGraphicSize(Std.int(0.8 * width));

    public function resetShit(x, y, goingRight) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.goingRight = goingRight;
		endingOffset = HscriptGlobals.random.float(50, 200);
		tankSpeed = HscriptGlobals.random.float(0.6, 1);
        if (goingRight) flipX = true;
    override function update(elapsed) {
		if (x >= 1.2 * HscriptGlobals.width || x <= -0.5 * HscriptGlobals.width) {
            visible = false;
        } else {
            visible = true;
        if (animation.curAnim.name == "run") {
			var fuck = 0.74 * HscriptGlobals.width + endingOffset;
            if (goingRight) {
				fuck = 0.02 * HscriptGlobals.width - endingOffset;
                x = fuck + (Conductor.songPosition - strumTime) * tankSpeed;
            } else {
                x = fuck - (Conductor.songPosition - strumTime) * tankSpeed;
        if (Conductor.songPosition > strumTime) {
            if (goingRight) {
                offset.y = 200;
                offset.x = 300;
        if (animation.curAnim.name == "shot" && animation.curAnim.finished) {

To get it to run, simply enter its filename in the text file called, "classes.txt".

It's as simple as that.