Iteration 3 Plan - JiratchayaPhinyodom/ku-polls GitHub Wiki


Adding the User Authentication system and improving the voting process so that each vote cast by a user counts as one vote (a user can vote only 1 choice at a time). Users can also modify their votes.


  1. Users can now vote for only 1 choice per question at a time (by refining the Choice Model and adding the Vote Model).
  2. Users can change the vote.
  3. The login system
  4. The logout system
  5. The signup system

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The polling app has pages for signing up, logging in, and logging out.
  2. Each user's prior vote is displayed on the poll detail page.
  3. Each test need to be successful.

Retrospective Summary

I learn more about login logout and signup system. I learn to make more condition in vote.