Get a GitHub token - Jimmy-Xu/jenkins-hypercli-image GitHub Wiki
This part will show you how to get a github personal access token.
First you need a github account, login and goto
1. Click the grey "generate new token" button
2. Input the "Token description", for example "jenkins-hyper-demo"
3. "Select scopes" of this token, check all checkbox for "repo" and "admin:repo_hook"
4. Click the green "Generate token" button.
5. Copy and save the new token(the value of this token will occur just once)
That's all. This token will be used in Jenkins( like this:
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> GitHub Servers
-> Add GitHub Server
Kind: "Secret text"
Secret: <github personal access token>
ID: [example: jenkins-hyper-demo]
Description: [example: github token]
Jenkins will create github webhook by this personal access token.