Week 2 - JimKnee-Champ/Ethical-Hacking-Journal GitHub Wiki
-Worked on scripting, port scanning and host Discovery.
Used nmap, ping, and fping to scan IP ranges and determine activity status of ports. the code itself was easy to write, but finding the tools to do it with - namely, the cut command - was what made the process difficult. We now have the tools to be able to scan IP ranges for active IP addresses and open ports, which is a critical step in the penetration process.
Used the windows VM to perform more port scanning. Nmap was able to scan a port despite the port not being responsive to pings, due to the machine responding to ARP requests on layer two but not icmp requests on layer 3+. As Services are enabled on a system, it has to open ports in order to provide these services. enabling remote desktop opened port 3389, the default port for remote desktop functionality. Enabling file sharing opened more ports. The more you search for with nmap, the longer it takes to provide you any information because it has to spend time gathering that information. This means that an extensive network scan could take an extremely long time if you wanted to be very thorough.