Lab 5 1 Password Guessing - JimKnee-Champ/Ethical-Hacking-Journal GitHub Wiki

RSmangler requires a line break at the end of the file. Very picky about input. No line breaks at the beginning of the file.

Cewl: tool that pulls keywords from websites. Usage for this activity: cewl -d 1 -m 5 -w professorname.txt -d = depth, at 1 the tool will only pull words from the specified page. Increased depth = more directories and pages that text is pulled from.

Hydra: better at ssh, less verbose than medusa. usage: hydra -l first.last -P 2.txt -t 4 ssh

Medusa: faster, better at http (by a lot, always use medusa for http), more verbose and sends the output for every password attempt. usage: medusa -h -u adam.goldstein -P 2.txt -M ssh (-h = host, -u = user, -P = passsword file, -M = method (http,ssh, etc))