Script - JimB16/pokecrystalchallenge GitHub Wiki

Here should be the text and script of the game.

Ideas for places:

  • Hotel were every trainer in the game has a room.
    • with lake behind where everybody can relax
  • Smogon University (where the player can find tips to beat the game)
  • Battle Arena (where the tournament is held)
  • House of "Programmer JimB" (here the player can find informations about the game (i.e. version nr))


The player is waked by his/her friends, that they just arrived at the island.
The player is leaving then leaving his room and the ship to go to the hotel that is reserved for the participants of the tournament.

In-Game Explanation of the GSC-Metagame and it's rules:



What do you want to be explained?

  • Tiers
  • Clauses
  • Cancel

Tiers exist to promote balanced gameplay.
OU stands for OverUsed and is the main metagame. It is the balanced tier that bans as few #MON as possible. In this game that means you can't use Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia and Ho-Oh. These #MON are seen as too strong and if they're allowed they would lead to an unbalanced metagame.

Clauses are several rules that serve to stop some over-powerful strategies and to reduce the role of luck in a match, so that the game is more enjoyable. We are still trying to enforce this rules automatically, so you can't cheat that easy.

  • Evasion Clause
    • Moves that boost evasion (i.e. Double Team and Minimize) are not allowed.
  • Freeze Clause
    • Two or more Pokemon on a team cannot be frozen at the same time.
  • Sleep Clause
    • Two or more Pokemon on a team cannot be asleep at the same time. Self-induce sleep via Rest does not activate Sleep Clause.
  • OHKO Clause
    • One-Hit KO moves are not allowed.
  • Species Clause
    • Two or more of the same Pokemon may not be used on the same team.
  • Self KO Clause
    • If both players have only one Pokemon left, moves which KO both the user and the opponent are not allowed (e.g. Explosion, Destiny Bond). If recoil damage would cause a tie, Self KO Clause does not activate, and the player who last attacked is the winner.
  • Item Clause
    • All Pokemon on a team must hold different items. This is not a standard clause in competitive play, but it is used in Nintendo tournaments.