Homekit over OpenThread - Jim-tech/IoT-Developer-Boot-Camp GitHub Wiki

Homekit over OpenThread on EFR32

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Homekit over OpenThread is supported in Gecko SDK suit 3.2 released in 2021Q2. The following two samples are provided:

  • homekit_lightbulb_thread
  • homekit_lightbulb_dmp

Users can try these samples after reading QSG179 and AN1327. To try homekit over OpenThread, users need to set up the OpenThread Border Router. The steps described in section 7.3 of AN1327 is outdated as the OpenThread project developped so fast.

This page will describe the steps to set up the OpenThread Border Router on RaspberryPi for homekit applications.

To test the homekit applications over OpenThread, users need to keep the homekit controller and the accessories in the same IPv6 subnet. The homekit controller could be any of the following:

  • The App Home on an ios device.
  • The HAT (Homekit Accessory Tester) tool on an macOS device.

Setup the WiFi AP on Raspberry Pi

Please refer to https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/configuration.html#setting-up-a-routed-wireless-access-point for the detailed steps. As a summary, the brief steps are listed below:

  1. Install AP and Management Software.

    Install hostapd which is an WiFi AP management tool:

    sudo apt install hostapd

    Enable the service, so that hostapd can start up automatically.

    sudo systemctl unmask hostapd
    sudo systemctl enable hostapd

    Install dnsmasq which is an DHCP server and DNS server:

    sudo apt install dnsmasq

    Install netfilter-persistent and its plugin iptables-persistent, so that the iptables settings can be saved.

    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y netfilter-persistent iptables-persistent
  2. Set a static IP address for the WLAN interface on the WiFi AP.
    Run command sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf to modify the config file, add the following content to the end of the file.

     interface wlan0
         static ip_address=
         static ip6_address=fd11:44::1/64
         nohook wpa_supplicant
  3. Enable IP forwarding.
    Run command sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf to uncomment the following lines.

  4. Config DHCP and DNS services.
    Run command sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig to backup the original config file, then run command sudo vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf to create a new config file and add the following content to it.

     interface=wlan0 # Listening interface
                     # Pool of IP addresses served via DHCP
     domain=wlan     # Local wireless DNS domain
                     # Alias for this router
     dhcp-range=fd11:44::1000, fd11:44::fc00, 64, 24h   
  5. Configure the AP software.
    Run the following command to ensure the WiFi radio is not blocked by Raspberry Pi.

    sudo rfkill unblock wlan

    Run command /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf to configure the WiFi AP.

     ssid=NameOfNetwork   # config the SSID here
     wpa_passphrase=AardvarkBadgerHedgehog  # config the password here
  6. Configure the iptables to forward the IP packets between eth0 and wlan0.

    sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

    Then run command sudo netfilter-persistent save to save the iptable settings.

  7. Connected eth0 to the internet, reboot the Raspberry Pi, then connect to the WiFi AP and check if it's working.

    • Make sure the client can get both IPv4 address and IPv6 address.
    • Make sure you can access the internet when you connect to the WiFi AP.

Setup the OpenThread Border Router

Please refer to https://openthread.io/guides/border-router/build.md for the detailed steps.

**!!Important:**as the bind9 service will be installed when you install the otbr, and the bind9 service has some conflict with the dnsmasq service. Here we need to stop the dnsmasq service first, then restart that after otbr installation complete.

sudo systemctl stop dnsmasq.service

As a summary, the brief steps are listed below:

  1. Clone the OTBR repository:

    git clone https://github.com/openthread/ot-br-posix
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd ot-br-posix
  3. Compile and install OTBR. As we have already set up the WiFi AP, no need to install network manager here.

    NETWORK_MANAGER=0 ./script/setup
  4. Disable the bind9 service.

    sudo systemctl stop bind9.service
    sudo systemctl disable bind9.service
  5. Start dnsmasq. Then restart the dnsmasq service.

    sudo systemctl start dnsmasq.service

Build the RCP

Please note that the latest OTBR repo is not compatible with the RCP sample in Gecko SDK Suite. We need to build the RCP with the github repo https://github.com/openthread/ot-efr32.git. Please refer to https://github.com/openthread/ot-efr32/blob/main/src/README.md to build the RCP.

After you have flashed the RCP to the kit, please connect the kit to the Raspberry Pi, then reboot it, then verify the status of the otbr services.

Run command sudo systemctl status to check the services, and make sure the following services is running:

  • otbr-agent.service
  • otbr-web.service

Setup the Thread Network

  1. On the Border Router, run command sudo ot-ctl to enter the CLI mode. Run the following command to form a thread network.

    dataset init new
    dataset commit active
    ifconfig up
    thread start
  2. Use command state to check the status of the border router until it turns to leader. Then run command dataset to get the current dataset. e.g.

     > dataset
     Active Timestamp: 1
     Channel: 14
     Channel Mask: 0x07fff800
     Ext PAN ID: 6cfd2de9be6b9d1f
     Mesh Local Prefix: fd41:84ec:1687:17d2::/64
     Network Key: fcfbf95e4797a51dc5d5a3ef6648c725
     Network Name: OpenThread-936c
     PAN ID: 0x936c
     PSKc: 9e89301e5df4c73a14f69648071b87fd
     Security Policy: 672 onrcb
  3. Run the lightbulb device, run the following command to join the device.

    dataset channel 14
    dataset networkkey fcfbf95e4797a51dc5d5a3ef6648c725
    dataset commit active
    ifconfig up
    thread start
  4. Check the IP address for the two thread devices with command ipaddr.

    > ipaddr

Test with iPhone/iPad

  1. Connect the iPhone/iPad to the WiFi AP of the Raspberry Pi
  2. Check the IPv6 address of the iPhone/iPad. Ping the IPv6 address from the lightbulb device. Make sure the ping is OK.
  3. Follow the steps of section 2.1.1 of QSG179 to test.

Test with Homekit Accessory Tester

  1. Connect the Mac to the WiFi AP of the Raspberry Pi
  2. Check the IPv6 address of the Mac. Ping the IPv6 address of the lightbulb device. Make sure the ping is OK.
  3. Follow the steps of section 3.5 of QSG179 to test the DMP sample.


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