Git documentation - Jibus22/webserv GitHub Wiki
🔽 below: naming conventions
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
: A new feature
: A bug fix
: Documentation related changes
: A code that neither fix bug nor adds a feature. (eg: You can use this when there is semantic changes like renaming a variable/ function name)
: A code that improves performance
: A code that is related to styling
: Adding new test or making changes to existing test
: A code change that external user won't see (eg: change to .gitignore file or .prettierrc file)
[working_dir]------(git add)------>[index(stage)]---------(git commit)--------->[head]
[working_dir]<-----(git reset)------[index(stage)]<--(git reset --soft HEAD~1)---[head]
- never
git checkout <any_branch>
with uncommited files in your actual branch - never directly work on
branch - never
git pull
with uncommited files in your actual branch
$ git remote -v # tracked repositories
$ git branch -va # Local & remote branches
$ git log # commits History
$ git reflog # HEAD History
$ git diff # [staged]/[head (commited)] files differences
$ git status # [unstaged]/[staged] files
$ git branch <branch_name> # create new branch called <branch_name>
$ git checkout <branch_name> # jump to <branch_name>
$ git branch -d <branch_name> # delete <branch_name>
$ git add * # add files to index area (see diagram)
$ git commit -m "message" # add indexed files to head area (see diagram)
(feature)$ git merge develop # merge develop branch into your actual feature branch (may have conflicts to resolve)
$ git push <upstream> <branch> # push <branch> to your remote server <upstream>. ex: 'git push origin feature'
$ git pull <upstream> # repatriate and integrate <upstream> data in your current branch. ex: 'git pull origin'
$ git remote prune origin # deletes stale references associated with origin. With --dry-run option, report what branches would be pruned, but do not actually prune them.
$ git clean -i # remove untracked files with interactive mode
$ git checkout -- <file> # restore <file> to last index or head state (works only with tracked file)
$ git reset # moves back files from index area to working directory area (undo git add)
$ git reset <file> # same as above, but only with <file>
$ git reset --soft HEAD~1 # cancel & delete your last commit, going back to HEAD~1 state with your index area as before this last commit
$ git reset --hard HEAD~1 # cancel & delete your last commit & last index area, going back to HEAD~1 state.
$ git revert HEAD # creates a new commit based on HEAD~1
$ git merge --abort # abort the current conflict resolution process, and try to reconstruct the pre-merge state (work both within local merge or within remote merge)