Career Chronology - Jian-Min-Huang/tech-note GitHub Wiki

SYSCOM 2013/07

SELF, One Main Just Run (Not OOP and Data Mix with Behavior)
SELF, Basic Encapsulation (Separate Data and Behavior)
WATERLAND, Functional Object (Java Bean, DTO, VO, DAO, BO, UTIL, ...)
WATERLAND, Basic System Environment
APTG, Learn Config for Programming and Crontab for Schedule Trigger
CHT, Spring Code Type IOC/DI AOP and Programming for Interface Instead of Implementation
SELF, Use XML for Complex Configuration and Apply Reflection and JMX for More Operation Flexibility
SELF, Apply Design Pattern and OOAD
SELF, Learn More about Try Catch Handler and Write Easy Testing Program
NUMERIX, Learn Essential of Framework and Importance of Native Solution without Framework

RAYHAO 2016/06

RAYHAO, Choose Framework and Tool in Different Situation
RAYHAO, Architecture Thinking (SOA, Microservice, n-tier)
RAYHAO, Development Type (Agile, Waterfall)
RAYHAO, Algorithm Visualization
RAYHAO, Performance Tuning (GC)
RAYHAO, Many Test (Unit Test, Postman, Functional Test, Integration Test, Pressure Test)
RAYHAO, Debug Skill (Debug, Breakpoint, Remote Debug)
SELF, Docker
RAYHAO, Management System
RAYHAO, Monitor and Warning System
RAYHAO, Database Backup
RAYHAO, Thinking Deep OO Design (OOP, OOAD, Design Pattern)
RAYHAO, Design Distribute System (Akka Http, Instant Messaging)

BOYA 2017/06

BOYA, Frontend (jQuery, React)
BOYA, AA Module
BOYA, MyBatis and Paging
BOYA, Backend (Nginx Redis)
BOYA, Architecture (Horizontal Expansion)
BOYA, Infra (CDN, Route)
BOYA, Skill for Fronend & Backend (Thymeleaf Api Init Setting)
BOYA, QA Procedure (Order, Speed, Step)
BOYA, Follow Kang to Build Team (Member Ability Not Same, Jira, Trello, Wiki, Issue for Meeting, cross department cooperation, Seasonly Review)
SELF, Different Writing Style Just Decide by You (Pure FP Method Invoke Chain VS Java + Design Pattern)
SELF, Ask Question (5W2H, Apply in Which Situation? How We Use to Solve This Situation? Pros & Cons? How to Import? Can It Improve Us? Where Is The Bottleneck? Solve It by Yourself)
BOYA, Winter Project (Old but Classic, Nginx Tomcat Oracle)
BOYA, Sport & Lottery Project (New Architecture with Spring Boot and Docker)
BOYA, Learn to Write API Document with Google Document
BOYA, Try to Transform Same Thing but Different Architecture and Compare (Open Draw from MQ -> Akka)
BOYA, More Deeply Docker (Private Registry, Docker Compose, Kubernetes)
BOYA, Be a Interviewer
BOYA, New Policy of Daniel (GitHub Flow, Merge Request, Checkstyle & PMD, GitLab CI/CD Pipeline, EFK)
BOYA, Spring Cloud with Kubernetes
BOYA, Microservice Architecture (ark-platform)
BOYA, First Version Open Draw with Akka but not Fit K8s
BOYA, Considering Importance and Judge the Priority and Clarify Responsibility 

xTeam Studio 2019/03

XTEAM, Daniel Vincent Ken and Amy Synchronize State
XTEAM, Get All the Cool Tools Like Open Source Group 
XTEAM, Ark Platform Finished with Full GCP Solution
XTEAM, Act The Emma
XTEAM, Full Automate Utopia
XTEAM, Ops Lead (Do More DevOps, SecOps, NetOps and China Network)
XTEAM, TWJUG Monthly Meetup Speaker
XTEAM, Move to Spring Kotlin and Learn Kotlin Skills from Leo Lin
XTEAM, 4th Party Uniform API Project
XTEAM, Try to Write First Reactive Programming Function
XTEAM, Level 1 Oracle DBA
XTEAM, Distribute Logging and Metrics Issue
XTEAM, K8s and Cloud Native
XTEAM, JCConf Yearly Conference Speaker
XTEAM, 11th iThome Iron Man Competition
XTEAM, DevOps(IT) Deploy Environment Monitor
XTEAM, DevOps(QA) Automated testing domain
SELF, TDD (Kata, Dojo, Test 3A, Red Green Refactor) ATDD BDD DDD

FunPodium 2019/12

FunPodium, be the System Architect who only plan and provide solution but not execute command
FunPodium, Agile Lean Kanban XP DevOps
FunPodium, Spring Cloud -> k8s, Makefile, Deeply Monitor (Elastic vs Prometheus)
FunPodium, Not only design giant things but also take care the little detail (like log format)
FunPodium, The weak part of your system is the limit
FunPodium, Comprehensive Monitor Plan
FunPodium, Betway-Sport-Derivco
FunPodium, Learn some principle (like lean) to identify the direction of many things
FunPodium, e2e testing
FunPodium, Rb88 kubernetes and tuning (OKHttp, VM Resource)
FunPodium, 5 dragon plan again
FunPodium, Health Dashboard (Prometheus Alert-Manager Grafana)
FunPodium, Terraform + Ansible (Terraform for Resource Management, Ansible for Configuration Management)
FunPodium, TDD BDD (ATDD)
FunPodium, DevOps Outsourcing
FunPodium, Alipay kubernetes
FunPodium, Not only bash but also Python (Data-Migration-Plug and Verification)
FunPodium, The boss want to see ETA and Schedule
FunPodium, Thread (Nearly Core) * Req/s = TPS
FunPodium, JMeter in Kubernetes
FunPodium, Primary Site, Backup Site, Disaster Recovery Site
FunPodium, GitOps Auto Canary
FunPodium, Time Zone Problem, Deep Spring TX, Data and Logic Flow
FunPodium, Spring Boot Kotlin
FunPodium, Cucumber + TDD a Spring sample
FunPodium, TestRestTemplate, MockMvc, Mockito (3 type test of Spring)
FunPodium, More Security Design, WebGoat
FunPodium, K8s, Multi Cloud, WebFlux, Kotlin Spring
FunPodium, Testing in Production
FunPodium, Rancher and RMS Service, Running TDD on Project
FunPodium, 3rd Generation Architecture (Ansible)
FunPodium, 91 & Fred Course
SELF, 商業思維學院
FunPodium, GDE of Kotlin
FunPodium, BDD, TDD real project
FunPodium, vertx, quarkus, graalvm
FunPodium, ATDD, User Story
SELF, Spring Framework 鐵人賽
FunPodium, Frontend 重組,規劃公司方向
FunPodium, 思考的層次拉到經營者思維
FunPodium, 用更高層次全局思考,Frontend Plan

$_purefunc 2021/12

$_purefunc, 拔掉 service 回歸充血的 Spring, FP, Arrow, Railway Oriented Programming
$_purefunc, 91影音課程
$_purefunc, 慣老闆的各種思維和技能
$_purefunc, Kotlin + Arrow + (Spring + Quarkus)
$_purefunc, DDD real project
$_purefunc, Event Storming, Domain Story Telling, CA, Example Mapping
$_purefunc, 顧問,報價,提案
$_purefunc, 上架 App
$_purefunc, 運營一個產品 FooTinder