staff - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki

title: Staff permalink: /Staff/

Here is a [,fontcolor=%22%230000FF%22%5D;m1%5Blabel=%22Forum+Manager%22,fontcolor=%22%23001188%22%5D;m2%5Blabel=%22Core+Dev+Manager%22,fontcolor=%22%23001188%22%5D;m3%5Blabel=%22Script/DB+Dev+Manager%22,fontcolor=%22%23001188%22%5D;a1--m1;a1--m2;a1--m3;d2%5Blabel=%22Core+Developers%22,fontcolor=%22%23008000%22%5D;d3%5Blabel=%22Supporting+Developers%22,fontcolor=%22%23008000%22%5D;d4%5Blabel=%22Script/DB+Developers%22,fontcolor=%22%23FF0000%22%5D;d5%5Blabel=%22Document+Developer%22,fontcolor=%22%23DC3AFF%22%5D;t1%5Blabel=%22Translators%22,fontcolor=%22%23D16886%22%5D;m2--d2;m2--d3;m2--d5;m3--d4;m3--d5;m3--t1;f1%5Blabel=%22Global+Mods%22,fontcolor=%22%23A91143%22%5D;f2%5Blabel=%22Support+Leaders%22,fontcolor=%22%2300A0FF%22%5D;f3%5Blabel=%22Scripting+Mods%22,fontcolor=%22%23FF7200%22%5D;f4%5Blabel=%22Graphics+Mods%22,fontcolor=%22%239300D0%22%5D;f5%5Blabel=%22International+Mods%22,fontcolor=%22%2300D784%22%5D;m1--f1;f1--f2;f1--f3;f1--f4;f1--f5;} flowchart of staff positions].

The Administrator is in charge of making sure the IRC server/channels are maintained and staffed, as well as leading the forums from the community standpoint. Also in charge of making sure the forums, wiki, Git, Trac and server(s) are running smoothly at a technical level. If there is a technical issue with any of the services in rAthena, this is the person you should contact.

  • Aleos
  • Maki (Supporting Administrator)
  • Brian (Supporting Administrator)


Backing up the administrators are managers, who ensure the staff are doing what they need to and assist with light "management" duties as needed (hiring/firing staff members, providing input on general directions of the emulator). They are also be in charge of assigning tasks and making major decisions as needed from the regular staff members.

  • -- (Forum Manager])

Development Managers are responsible for keeping rAthena running smoothly via Github, including assigning new developers and making sure the current ones are doing their jobs correctly and efficiently. They are split between two groups, Core Manager and Script/DB Manager

  • -- (Core Development Manager)
  • Euphy (Script/DB Development Manager)

The Community Manager is responsible for keeping the community in check, by making the majority of the announcements and making sure the community is led by the moderators appropriately and non-biased. They are the primary managers responsible for hiring new moderators and making sure all moderators are doing their jobs completely and effectively.


rAthena core developers are responsible for maintaining the source code of rAthena.

rAthena script/DB developers are responsible for keeping the scripts and DB's of rAthena up-to-date with kRO.

rAthena Supporting Developers scour our code and put it to the test! They're our team of trojan-reporters responsible for producing concise bug reports on our Tracker. They occasionally provide hotfixes too!

The Documentation Developers are responsible for making sure the Wiki, ] and ReadMe files are kept up-to-date. They check recent commits from the other development teams and update documentation accordingly.


Moderators look over specific sections of the forum, Keeping everything in order.

Global Moderators are here to help take some of the moderation off the Administrators. They have complete control over moderation of the forums. Note that only existing Staff Members may be promoted or apply as a Global Moderator.

rAthena Support Leaders provide exceptional support within the Support and Releases forums. They are selected by experience and their main task is to provide support.

International Moderators

Wiki Leaders are a team of driven individuals chosen to maintain rAthena's Wiki articles. This position requires good English writing skills and great knowledge of rAthena's internal operations. Wiki Leaders report to the Documentation Developer.

Our Ex-Developers and others who contributed a great amount to the development of rAthena. Kudos to them!

Forum Name Previous Position
Aerie Graphics Moderator
Akkarin Administrator
Ai4rei Core Developer (eAthena)
Akinari Core Dev Manager
AnnieRuru Scripting Moderator
Arcenciel Community Administrator
Baalberith Core Developer
Brainsteal Portuguese Moderator
CalciumKid Script/DB Developer
Castor Core Developer
Celsius Spanish Moderator
Chilly Script/DB Developer
clydelion Support Leader
Cookie Core Dev Manager
Cydh Core Developer, Indo/Malay Moderator
Daegaladh Script/DB Developer
darkmeistersp Spanish Moderator
Deadlysilence Script/DB Developer
DevilEvil Global Moderator
Edison Translator
Epoque Core Developer
Eurydice (overall contributions)
Feistz Indo/Malay Moderator
flaviojs Core Developer (eAthena)
Flaid Community Administrator
Gaypuff Graphics Moderator
Gepard Core Developer
GodLesZ Core Developer
Gomen German Moderator
GreenBox Core Developer
Igniz Core Developer
Ind Core Developer
Inkfish Core Developer (eAthena)
JayPee Script/DB Developer
Jman Community Administrator
Joseph Script/DB Developer
jTynne Script/DB Developer
Judas Support Leader
Jupeto Filipino Moderator
KeiKun Filipino Moderator
Kenpachi Administrator
KeyWorld (overall contributions)
Kisuka Script/DB Developer
Lemongrass Script/DB Developer
Lilith Core Developer
Luciar Script/DB Developer
Magnetix Filipino Moderator
malufett Core Developer
MarkZD Core Developer
Masao Script/DB Developers
Matheus Script/DB Developers
Mercurial Script/DB Developers
mkbu95 Core Developer
Muad_Dib (overall contributions)
Mysterious Support Leader
OnNplay Indo/Malay Moderator
Patskie Scripting Moderator, Filipino Moderator
Pneuma Support Leader
Protimus Core Developer
Rikimaru Scripting Moderator
rokimoki Spanish Moderator
Rytech Core Developer
Sanasol Core Developer
sandbox Support Leader, Filipino Moderator
Shinju Spanish Moderator
Shinryo (overall contributions)
Sirius_Black Core Developer
Sirius_White (overall contributions)
Shakto Support Leader
sketchyphoenix Core Developer
Skotlex Core Developer (eAthena)
Snow German Moderator
Spre Support Leader
Spyra Script/DB Developer
Syouji Graphics Moderator
Terces Global Moderator
theultramage Core Developer (eAthena)
Tiera Russian Moderator
ToastOfDoom Scripting Moderator
Trojal Forum Administrator
Wildcard Core Developer
Wolf Portuguese Moderator
Xantara Core Developer
xazax Core Developer
Xynvaroth Community Manager
Yommy Community Manager
Z3R0 Script/DB Developer
Zephyr Core Developer


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