mmo.h - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki
This source file holds global declarations and hard-coded settings, that are used by the login, char and map server. If you modify anything, you have to recompile all three servers, otherwise you may run into errors.
Specifies the packet version to use for server-client communication. It must be set to date, your client has been released at, e. g. 20090922 for 2009-09-22aRagexeRE. Note: If you have a client, that is newer, than the latest packet version in the comment, some things might not work properly, if the client packets have changed since then.
If you disable this define, all status changes get discarded upon logout.
When enabled, the server stores client hotkeys. While older clients save them locally in the registry, newer clients require this define to be enabled.
Sets how many maps a single map server may manage. This also includes instanced maps.
Sets maximum amount of item slots in the character item inventory. If you set this above 127, some scripts, that enumerate characters' inventory will break.
Max number of characters per account. Note, that changing this setting alone is not enough if the client is not hexed to support more characters as well.
Max number of permanent char variables.
Max number of permanent account variables.
Max number of permanent global account variables.
Should hold the max of GLOBAL/ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT2 (needed for some arrays that hold all three)
Default walk speed of players in milliseconds.
Minimum walk speed of players in milliseconds.
Maximum walk speed of players in milliseconds.
Max number of storage slots a player can have. (up to ~850 tested)
Max number of storage slots a guild.
Maximum members a party can hold.
Maximum members a guild can hold. 6 additional members will be added per 1 level of Guild Extension skill.
Maximum guild positions that can be assigned to members.
Maximum length of expulsion reason to be displayed.
Maximum length of guild alliance names to be displayed.
Maximum number of skills that a Guild can have.
Maximum level that a Guild can reach.
Maximum guardians that can be summoned in a castle. If this value is increased, need to add more fields on MySQL `guild_castle` table ..
Maximum number of quest(Questlog System) that the server will load.
Maximum quest objectives for a quest.
Item ID of the wedding ring for male.
Item ID of the wedding ring for female.
Maximum length of a character/title/guild/map/etc. name.
Maximum of length of an item name, which tend to have much longer names.
Maximum length of pincodes.
Maximum number of friends that a player can have on his list.
Maximum memo points that the warp portal skill can save.
Number of players to be listed in the fame list arrays.
Starting ID for player accounts.
Ending ID for player accounts.
Starting ID for characters.
Maximum character length of guild message title.
Maximum character length of guild message body.