Show_item_SP_heal - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki
title: Show item SP heal permalink: /Show_item_SP_heal/
Very simply, if you wish for SP to be displayed when using a healing item, simply follow this article.
Open /src/map/pc.c
Scroll to or find the function pc_itemheal
Find (in pc_itemheal):
hp -= hp * sd->[SC_CRITICALWOUND]->val2 / 100;
sp -= sp * sd->[SC_CRITICALWOUND]->val2 / 100;
Below add:
if( sp > 0 )
clif_skill_nodamage(NULL, &sd->bl, MG_SRECOVERY, sp, 1);
Then recompile.
Now, when you use a healing item, it should display the amount of SP you recover.