Page_format - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki

title: Page format permalink: /Page_format/


Concept of page formatting

In order to create a viable, approachable and understandable wiki section for rAthena, we need to focus on simplifying the pages, and unifying the pages with a common style. Without this, people won't know where to look, and how to create their own guides. Once a 'common feel' has been decided between the wiki staff, and Jguy, we can proceed to update the previous pages with the new formatting. Hopefully, this will result in more users focusing on travelling to the wiki section, rather than posting up topics which have already been answered.

Page formatting

Each page format (different sections) should be listed below. Seperate each 'section' into a sub-header for this category, and briefly describe the format to be used. And provide an example.

Script Command pages