Map_addflooritem - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki

title: Map addflooritem permalink: /Map_addflooritem/


int map_addflooritem(struct item *item_data,int amount,int m,int x,int y,int first_charid,int second_charid,int third_charid,int flags);


  • item_data - Item data.
  • amount - Amount of itens that will be added.
  • m - Map id, it's possible to get this id using map_mapname2mapid(const char* name).
  • x - X coordinate.
  • y - Y coordinate.
  • first_charid - First character that will be able to pick the item up (ID)(MVP System).
  • second_charid - Second character that will be able to pick the item up (ID)(MVP System).
  • third_charid - Third character that will be able to pick the item up (ID)(MVP System).
  • flags -

0 - No flag.

&1 - MVP Item.

&2 - Do stacking check.

==Description== Makes an item appear on the ground using clif_dropflooritem. Returns 0 if something is wrong or item id if the item was added successfully. ==Example==


A item would appear on the floor in the player's location. Category:Source_Functions